Request for Comments: Gatekeeping Rule and Moderator Votes

No idea why a rule that’s been mooted and voted and passed should need a mod stamp of approval. Presumably they’ll have made their objections clear during the mooting and if they couldn’t make their case, why do they get a veto?


this community loves undemocratic systems and constraints on voting, it has nothing to do with holding onto power when that power is threatened, not at all. why would you think that? no, this is what we all want and they’re just getting around to proposing it now and the timing is just a coincidence. stop thinking crazy. you’re crazy. this has zero to do with delegitimizing the establishment of an independent judiciary, ok?


Well, gatekeeping does seem to be enormously popular, yes.

Who are the gatekeepers? Oh, you? Congratulations!


I dont have much to add other than I think this is a good start and what I’ve been wanting to see for a while, thank you


This is amazing. You all deserve each other.


Like, my poll on moderators not having lifetime terms was enormously popular as well. Not having a profanity filter was enormously popular. However, those were not Approved Polls and they weren’t written by an Approved Person. So that doesn’t count, gatekeepers need to declare it invalid and shut it down. Let the gatekeepers write the polls and stfu.


That you can’t read the thread and poll results is a you problem, not a me problem. The most popular proposal is, as a bare minimum, having a request for comments thread prior to an official vote. There is also overwhelming support for having a vote in the RFC on the final text of proposed rules. It also seems to be popular, albeit less so, to have at least one mod sign off on the proposal, but the particulars of requiring a majority of mods or no mods are currently the frontrunners.

Letting anyone put up for adoption rule proposals FOR LIFE that may be poorly worded or not let the community vote for popular options is not very popular. Sorry.

At no point have I suggested wanting to be The Gatekeeper, and I don’t think it would be popular.

Right. My poll for limiting the length of modship, composed by just me, was poorly worded and declared invalid by you. Your poll that you replaced it with, composed by just you, was very well worded and extremely valid. This is just science.

Your poll was a dismal failure because you did not solicit any community feedback, and you literally changed the rule proposal after votes had been cast. I think the process for my rule vote was better, as it actually used the community feedback from prior polls to draft more broadly popular text, but it’s not actually all that good. This thread is me trying to do better.


am i correct that, if implemented, these rules would force all current moderators to be renominated and voted on? or are they grandfathered in?

Why was my second poll thread worse than your poll thread? It’s because there is power in being able to word the poll in a specific way, and you wanted to have that power. And you didn’t want me to have it.

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If this passes, neither of us will have it.

why the fuck can’t I be the gatekeeper?

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Are we talking gatekeepers as in a bunch of folk I have to solicit the agreement of before I can propose a rule or mod (a highly unlikely event)?

Or are we talking about an open process anyone can follow as long as they abide by the agreed upon rules, with gatekeepers merely enforcing that process?

Wookie asks for user input, gets a wave of trolling and sarcasm. Seems like all is not well here.


What the fuck am I even doing here? Just make Keeed unaccountable dictator mod and let’s move on.

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What seems to be broadly popular is the latter.

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Yea it’s almost like people will not be happy with whatever mods do, lol

This seems like a normal part of a democratic process to me. This is how we should handle things if we’re actually trying to be a democracy.

If we dont wanna be a democracy, then lets have that conversation, but I dont think we’re ready for that yet.

Did you miss when I said that I wanted to be mod so I could be as transparent and open to feedback and criticism as possible? Including openness to votes to overturn any and all decisions I make or fail to make? I know you didn’t because you said it was a horrible idea and were completely opposed to it. But sure, I want to be an unaccountable dictator.

So here you’re proposing gatekeepers on both rule proposals and moderator nominations. Without actually saying who that would be, how they’re picked, etc. And this is after you had just spent the last couple of days acting as a gatekeeper in exactly that manner. No this poll isn’t good, I’ll rewrite it. Two people volunteer for mod? I’ll choose one to have a vote on him. You were acting as a gatekeeper. I suppose it’s good that you don’t think you should solely wield that power as you’ve been doing, but maybe you should give us some more details on who this gatekeeper is and how he’s picked and how he functions.