
I think that ‘Latest’ has a sidebar while ‘Unread’ and ‘New’ do not?

that’s what clearing the cache could have done, maybe. I don’t know. This is why I don’t do front end stuff

“But it worked just fine on my setup”

You might have had some kind of caching going on.


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Lol this isnt front end web stuff this 3rd party CMS hacking from the outside in

well yea

Lol when i started on this team we had 11am standups. Then it went to 10am. Then 9:15 for a while. Now my team just voted to move them to 8:15 (!)

If it moves even 1 minute earlier i’ll be looking for a new job.

lol no Bangalore huh

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I would refuse to go to any regularly scheduled meetings before 9am. That’s outrageous.


What’s funny is that it was unanimous! I wake up very early so it’s fine but usually 8-9am is catchup time for me on stuff i was supposed to do the day before

Motherfucking hr is stonewalling me on going back to the office to work. This is the same company that was rabidly anti-wfh a year ago. Their huge office is literally just sitting empty.

I may play the ADHD card, not sure yet. Does anyone else prefer working in the office or am I a psycho?

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I miss it. Getting sick of groundhog day and no human contact. I even miss my commute where I consumed one audiobook after another.

I assume that will go away after about 1 week back in the office. Hopefully our group can at least wrangle one full time wfh day out of this.

You guys are nuts, I am getting massive praise for my “achievements” this year and I haven’t done shit, I work for reals from 10pm to 2pm and no one cares as long as I show up for meetings i.e. have my name in the upper right in Zoom.

On the other hand I’ve gained like 15 lbs.



I work 1 hour/day and I absolutely hate it. I feel guilty for not doing more on the solo-project POCs I could be working on but no one really cares if I do them or not. Nothing is less motivating for me than when my boss says, “I don’t care which thing you work on.” Then I know it’s just busy work.

This is now the 3rd time in my career where I’ve worked from home full time and had nothing to do. I don’t know how I keep winding up like this. I was miserable all 3 times - quit the first 2. I’m keep wanting to quit this then I remind myself I’m basically getting paid to write my book and I need to just suck it up.

I did the same thing in the office too. I’d surf the internet and read books on kindle all day. I need to be on a team where people are counting on me. Nothing else works.

I know this sounds like first-world problems. But I’m seriously miserable right now. I am so much happier working 12 hours a day on some crunch time project.

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Lol I feel like I haven’t done shit either. My real work takes 1-2hrs/day.

I am the exact same way. I feel absolutely worthless, even more so because I’m the junior on this team.

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Every day I have to fight a huge battle with myself to sit down and work on the react POC that I know will never see the light of day, but at least I’ll learn a lot. Then I feel like shit for the rest of the day for being such a loser.

I’m like - maybe I should take this time to finally learn CSS. Then I look at it and go nah, this is painful. Only way I’d learn that is if someone made me.

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Yea. Same, except for me I could be doing stuff to enhance my learning - like taking free udemy courses provided by the company in my downtime. But I just can’t summon the motivation.

For the last 3 weeks or so all I have been doing is preparing demos and presentations to show the other devops teams in our larger group. It only takes me like an hour and a half to make 20 slides or so, and sometimes that’ll be my only task for the entire week.

It feels like a lot of what I do is just doing the discovery for the senior devs and then they take what I started and do the cool stuff with it. Which is fine, but I want to kick ass and learn stuff, and I’m very much not kicking ass and learning stuff.

My theory is that when I’m in the office I’ll be so bored that I’ll force myself to do extra things like learning.

To me its not really the work aspect right I mean they chose to pay this much and they’re apparently (very) happy with what they’re getting. Its more like we’re in a pandemic that has prevented me from going to the office in 11 months and I probably work something like 10-15 hours a week and I haven’t done shit with it. I haven’t learned anything new, I haven’t made anything new on my own, I’ve just drank and played video games.

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