
I think this is the winning advice. I spent almost an hour trying to run a Hello World Scala program before giving up due to compilation errors, but I am finding much to appreciate about the JS variant of ReasonML. However, I mentioned “somewhat readable syntax” in part to discourage people from suggesting Lisp:


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Am I wrong to get irritated by something like this?

I created a ticket to put some entries in my company’s internal dns server. One of the entries is not resolving to an IP address. So, I did a few ping commands in powershell to show that the dns name is not resolving - it says quite clearly in the output. I also ping’d some of the other entries to show the other ones are resolving correctly. I posted results on the ticket.

My boss messages me and says “delete that comment and use linux dig instead.” I tell him my windows machine does not have dig, and since ping does a DNS lookup, isnt that sufficient for showing a dns name is not resolving to an IP?

He tells me no, install dig. Well a windows install of dig is a pain in the ass and 30
mins later I’m able to come back and do the dig, which is PERFORMING A DNS LOOKUP AND REPORTING BACK THE RESULTS (admittedly with more info than ping, but this extra info is unnecessary).

Am I overreacting for being annoyed by this? This kind of thing happens constantly.

i dunno if you are overreacting. i don’t usually trust windows utilities, and have seen people go the extra mile to confirm network setup via linux tools. this could be an instance of that.

That’s a fair point - but it’s not a crazy complicated thing I’m trying to show. It’s just a simple dns lookup.

Another reason I did not use my linux box is it is completely isolated from my company’s dns server, so none of the names would resolve no matter what I did (unless I edited /etc/hosts, but that defeats the purpose)

Wait, my favorite topic is compilers and I once reg’d for a graduate compilers course where the task was to build the JVM from scratch - I am actually interested in reading this? Do you have a link

lol. Last week have skip level meeting with a director in my org, I ask point blank about promotion to principal, today he and my manager pull me into meeting where he gives me a $3k “special bonus” for um doing my job. So no, no I won’t be getting that promotion. :expressionless:


On the topic of learning something new I keep failing to find the time to learn the ins and outs of the Raspberry Pi and was reminded of that again earlier today when reading this

So I’m know thinking I’d get to learn the Pi, the microcontrollers, MicroPython and a variety of sensors, LEDs and such while building some sort of interactive kenetic artwork.

… Yeah - that’s what I’m going to do :nerd_face:

I created the “simon says” toy using a microcontroller on a breadboard. Works and sounds exactly like the real thing - but the inputs are a keypad. It was fun.

That looks pretty cool. I still will keep my cheap glowy gamecore one though.

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smh no RGB

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That keyboard is pretty sweet.

I’m wrapping up studying for my Microsoft365 Certified Enterprise Admin Expert and it’s just a maze of random ass rules and super frustrating to get working. The most robust part of the solution that I’ve been studying is Unified Labeling which allows for encryption of content based on labels and applying Azure AD authentication in order to decrypt the document. This is clearly very powerful from a business perspective but in practice its a total shitshow to configure.

Just spent about a hour to find the fine print in one of the technet articles that said content that was already labeled couldn’t have an autolabeling policy applied and since my test tenant has mandatory labeling applied the autolabeling policy I setup for test did nothing. For some unknown reason it wants me to apply the Onedrive policy to ‘urls’ and the + doesn’t give any option for specific users or groups to apply things to. One of the other weird ass things I found was that Unified Labeling policies (think groups of labels that specific users/groups can apply to documents) can only be applied to Microsoft365 groups but not to Security groups but this isn’t mentioned anywhere in the documentation that I could find and specifically Security groups are defined as groups for security access and shit.

Anywho probably grab my azure admin or devops expert after this and try creep my ass out of network support into cloud security in the next 12 months. Explaining to people how to signin to Outlook on their iPhone is getting old fast. Tax season is picking up and all my customers are pissed off and unreasonable.


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Windows is such a weird world.

you know I’ve told you this but devops man, devops. You’re perfect for it and there’s way more money in it. You’ll go from walking simpletons through how to use their outlook to walking devs through stuff they should know how to do but don’t. Still much better people to work with.

Devops salaries are crazy good these days. And it would be cool to have another devops guy around here.

Thanks dude. Definitely in a transition period and need to focus hard on building my skills to accomplish what I need.

I don’t really feel like Microsoft documentation is much worse than their competitors its just strange that such a large company seems to abandon features in their products and never update large swaths of documentation that thousands of organizations use. For their size the documentation is freaking terrible.

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I’m only 2 and a half years into this but I have yet to see “good” documentation :slight_smile:

Fuckin part of my problem right now is that discourse documentation on best deployment practices is nonexistent. You have to scour their forums for that info.

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My Ducky RGB conked out a ton of its lights a couple of years in. Never again

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Fuck I am so overpaid, I am screwed. My current job is fine but frustrating lately and its been 3 years in the same spot and I have no chance at a promotion. Some recruiter sent me a couple emails and I’m like fuck it and sent back “$?” and he instantly replied with a base salary that is 20% below mine and I also get a 15% bonus and like 20k/year RSUs. 1st world problems. Maybe should look at other departments/projects or something.

What makes it frustrating? I’m kind of in a similar situation, everything I look at does not meet my current salary. Which is weird because I didn’t even negotiate that hard in the hiring process.

But, I can move up in roles if I want more salary, I’ve only been in the field for 3 years now. Just don’t feel ready at all.

Its just getting more mature and a little boring and recently its been a nightmare trying to get things done i.e. I’ve been waiting on the back end to do something for 3 weeks so I can deliver a feature to a bunch of people who’ve been waiting for it and today another director not on my project called my feature “vaporware” :expressionless: