Presidential Debate Thread

My pony is staying in the election despite claims of diminished speed


yep i thought right after the debate that it would blow over and the media would be on to another story by now. but its been a week and the story has only gotten bigger, i dont see any way he survives


yeah the story is gonna get seen by millions, the denial a fraction of that.


Feels like everybody is trying to manifest their preferred outcome. This will be the story for a while.

I guess I’ll add that for some, that the story continues is the preferred outcome. For the rest, the price of backing a loser keeps going up. I mean eventually it could be literal heads on pikes shit. So there is a certain logic to it.



I don’t think any has ever been chosen on the basis of who would be best at presidenting. It’s usually to balance the ticket in some way. Truman was picked because of pressure to get rid of Wallace, but still might have been kind of an exception as FDR had to be seeing the end by 1944. Cheney was probably picked because of pressure from some donors/neocons. Usually though it’s as simple as Reagan picking GHWB because they were from different wings of the party at the time or Carter picking Mondale because someone from the MidWest was best for the ticket.


Has someone ever been less competent with more at stake?

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This shit literally doesn’t matter tho, what matters is the voters aren’t going to elect joe at this point, and how bad trump is just makes it more sad,

I’m not of the belief that if everyone magically stopped talking about Biden stepping down today that he beats trump

Edit: also yes the money can go to Kamala obviously or it can go to the DNC and be used by a new candidate, it’s just more of a pain

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I keep going back to the fact that Dems had FOUR years to prepare for a situation like this, 80-year-old Joe having a stroke and needing a quick replacement should have been something they were already prepped for.


The people around Joe who have power have their power because Joe has power. Their incentives are to keep their horse in the race so they keep their power and influence.

Also, power must be fucking AMAZING.


We are going through our mid year reviews with team members now. We spend a lot of time and effort on team development, and one theme that seems to come up often is that people are seldom just “competent” or “incompetent”. There are some people that are fundamentally incompetent because they lack the foundational organizational and interpersonal skills/habits to be even basically useful, but MOST people are good at some things and bad at other things. I don’t know why, but for some reason this has struck me more than in prior years. It’s really remarkable how two people can have bascially similar strengths and weaknesses, and Person A is perceived as high potential and Person B is not, only because Person A is in a situation that highlights their strengths and Person B is in a position that highlights their weaknesses.

I don’t know why I’m feeling particularly sympathetic to Hillary Clinton of all people, but I do feel like “running for President” was just an absolutely catastrophic “type B” situation for her, it may honestly be the single worst possible choice for her in terms of highlighting her weaknesses and downplaying her strenghts. Hubris is a hell of a drug.


“Hope is not a plan” is eternally good advice that is eternally ignored.




I don’t think I really understood the degree of sycophancy in Presidential politics until I saw the movie Mitt (which is really a very good movie, even if you hate Mitt). The consultants in Romney’s orbit were so good at selling that he was doing great and should definitely run and would absolutely win.


I kind of bundle idiot swing voters and the media up together on this. Even the most low-info voter in the country saw Trump direct an enraged mob to storm the Capitol, then do nothing to stop it for 2 hours.

If that’s not enough for anyone not embedded in the cult to vote against Trump vs. anyone, including a fucking corpse, then again, we are too stupid to move forward as a country.

Biden won’t be an effective president! So I guess I want the guy who I know will be effective at destroying the country! o_O

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One should have hope that good outcomes can happen. One should not depend on hope for good outcomes to happen.

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People are just frustrated and either don’t want the status quo and/or are ready to blow it up.

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It’s just people acting in their own best interests. Joe was fine at the SOTU. They rolled the dice on the debate and lost.

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There is nothing right with America that cannot be destroyed by what is wrong with America.

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