Presidential Debate Thread

Man the Kamala stuff is gonna be brutally ugly, imo. Not looking forward to that. I really hope they find a way to pass over her but I fear there are too many powerful factions that will quickly prop her up.

Michelle would be a dream but she’s been consistent that she has no interest. Hard to see that changing.

I voted in the poll that I think Biden will step down and I still think he will. Especially if we keep getting polls like that CNN one today. Biden seems like a pretty honorable guy and if he still has his self awareness faculties then I think he knows what he needs to do for the good of the country, as corny as it sounds.


They should lean in to this angle, imo.

Old white man passes the torch to the strong black woman. “Black jobs” is a great seque.


You’re being pretty generous to Joe here, but for the sake of argument let’s suppose that his natural instinct is to do what’s good for the country. If his closest circle of yes-men feed him the message that only he can beat Trump them he’s going to be primed to accept that argument. He would need for his inner circle to be telling him that he will be revered for all of history for his humiltiy and judgement if he steps down and his replacement wins, but I don’t think people close to him are telling him that.

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serious question are there known drawbacks to Whitmer? I know very little about her but when you know very little about her she seems very strong here

Have not watched.


This guy looks good, put him in there.

Yep agreed, his staff is my biggest concern. I don’t know what Biden’s reality bubble looks like at this point. But he’s not the type to dismiss polls or the NY Times calling on him to drop out, and I’d hope those things are piercing through. He’s a realist.

This again assumes he’s still mentally there enough to make sense of it, though, which I guess isn’t a given.

Michelle doesn’t seem to want to, so it probably won’t happen. She’s always polled very well though and people like her.

People like her because they like her. She’s nice and charming and smart and has charisma and is genuine or whatever, but whatever it is, she’s pretty well liked.

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Just “Covid lockdown” stuff

Yeah this. If you already have Hunter Biden’s charmed life, you don’t smoke crack because you’re in misery in the throes of addiction and can’t get clean. You smoke crack because it’s fucking fun and you don’t care about the consequences to yourself or your family.

Hunter can’t just impulsively walk out his front door and score. He has to plan ahead and make arrangements, using numbers that he could have deleted from his phone. Either that or go driving around in bad parts of town looking for impromptu crack buddies, which doesn’t seem like his style to me.

Or I guess call a prostitute and get her to hook you up, which is probably what he does. That’s still a lot of planning ahead and it make take a few prostitutes to get the right one.

Those arms alone could win the election.

He comes across as old but fine. Not the sharpest but hasn’t lost his marbles. It’s a decent showing. It’s also 10 months old.

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I was curious what time of day it was recorded, not thinking they’d actually include it. I was wrong, the article mentions it specifically–it started at 2:50pm on a Friday.

My lefty, racist, gun-nut, alcoholic friend (mostly former) has thoughts.

I stopped hanging out with the guy because he’d get drunk and lose his mind and/or want to show off his man-sized safe full of guns. Good to see RFK is finding a base.


It’s painful how close they get to a meaningful conclusion about the capture of critical industries by capital and at the last minute veer into vaccine grudges.


Someone explain why Harris not being instantly annointed the nominee if Joe quits is “passing her over” as opposed to her following whatever process they think up that Newsom etc would also follow please


That’s why. It won’t be a normal primary situation, it will at least appear that the powers that be have chosen the nominee.

Where we stand now is that all the power is in the hands of 3900 foot soldiers who have sworn to nominate Biden with every intention of honoring that pledge (ala skydiver). I’d hope that they’d be taking direction from the powers that be if/when they make a switch.

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@pvn @Hired_Goons

You can read about my process here: