Presidential Debate Thread

lol giving interviews him talking is what got us in this mess in the first place.


how long ago was the howard stern one. like 2 months ago? the media acts like it never happened because they didnt get the rights to it. and again because they would much prefer trump wins.

I can understand the hide the Biden strategy if heā€™s up by 9 but the fact is, heā€™s behind. He should be doing 5 different interviews this week. Instead we get 4 minutes reading off a prompter during the worse political crisis of his presidency.

High information voters do not need to be convinced that Trump must lose, but low information voters will decide this election and they believe Biden is senile.


The part a lot of democrats are missing is that itā€™s a totally reasonable take to assume he is indeed senile! Watch the debate! And his subsequent behavior is entirely consistent with someone who is in decline.


im not disagreeing with you. iā€™m just trying to say he did that exact thing and got zero credit for it. i personally dont think low information voters are watching the debate let alone random standalone interviews with individual media companies.

iā€™d much rather they just highlight him doing president shit more where he shows he can do the job. IF thatā€™s the case.

the speech tonight was less than inspiring. they need significant media money spent on acting like they will actually do something as the country burns. even if they have no plans to follow through


Itā€™s too late, man. He already blew it on the biggest stage heā€™s going to get, heā€™s played into years of Republican messaging about Sleepy Joe, heā€™s not going to undo the damage with a few Meet The Press appearances. Heā€™s not living down the allegations ever.

Just find a new guy, anyone. You canā€™t run a campaign on the defensive, your pitch to voters canā€™t be ā€œactually, Iā€™m not mentally incompetent for the job.ā€ John Kerry gave it a good shot running for office like that, it didnā€™t work.


If weā€™re cooked regardless, might it make sense to leave Biden out there to take the L? Save the bullpen?

Newsom might be too smart to step into this bloodbath.

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Saving the bullpen doesnā€™t do much good when itā€™s Game 7 of the World Series and the league is disbanding tomorrow if you lose.


Maybe this is too cynical but save the bullpen for what? 4 years(or more) of Trump completely unchecked by the SC or any reasonable people in his cabinet leads me to believe there may not be meaningful elections going forward.

Also how in the world can we have any faith in the Dems not to fuck up just as bad in 2028 and beyond?

We lost, itā€™s over. Watch the spectacle and hope for the best. Iā€™m not sure there is much more anyone can do on the national level at least in the near future.


Maybe itā€™s not enough, but the recent scotus rulings should give Biden staying in some extra equity.

Trump will be emboldened and as crazy as ever.


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If youā€™re going to lose anyway, you might as well pull out all the stops. Fight it out at the convention. Take ALL the media away from Trump. What is there to be afraid of? Everyone has hated the idea of a rematch of these two fossils. Do your part and convince old Joe that heā€™s not going to win and the noble thing is to step aside. Or something.


I worked in the lab of an MD/PhD neurologist. He said his mentor could diagnose some neurological ailments by hearing a patient walk. Presumably @CaffeineNeeded or someone else knows about old folks neurological issues. There arenā€™t that many possibilities. If so, whatā€™s the actual diagnosis for Biden and how rapidly does it get worse?

Iā€™m not going to read this to see if the quote is accurate, but I have concerns.

(Ok, I read it. Itā€™s narrative from the reporter.)

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Ikes has 100 posts on the other site defending Bidenā€™s mental fitness if you are looking for that content.

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Considering joining the Guilty Remnant