Presidential Debate Thread

Again, because you’re not capable of addressing it, your logic insists that people rank candidates in this way:

  1. Unnamed generic dem
  2. Trump
  3. Named generic dem they haven’t heard of

… but once they know more about 3, it rises in the rankings. Sure.

If a generic Democrat who nobody knows anything about was perceived by Democratic voters as a better choice than Biden, Dean Phillips would have done better in the primaries.

It’s gonna be “oh we got so unlucky that we picked the one candidate who would have gotten less popular with increased name recognition” despite that being a common thing

At the top of the ticket? Should be Affleck’s running mate imo.

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Biden may not have much of a chance this year, but keeping him in the race sets him up for a comeback in 28.




Dems are 100% dumb enough to nominate her.


More likely, when deciding between generic D/R, some voters pick D, but given a name they’ve never heard of, they pick the “don’t know” option, because they want more information about the named candidate to make a decision.

There is another

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I think there’s actually some evidence that this is in fact how people’s brains work for real

once you actually put a name on the ballot and they don’t recognize it, they react much more negatively than to an unnamed party placeholder

The candidate has been announced


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This one. Is a political pundit who worked in the Obama administration. The other one made Elf.

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What if his post-debate polling is absolutely disastrous and stays that way?

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I would snap vote for this candidate.

No need to clarify whether it’s Warren or a dog statue.

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I defer to Bill. He seems to have the inside scoop.

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As part of this massive campaign do you think Biden could maybe…give an interview?


Shifting the campaign message from “Orange Man Bad” to “Actually, Joe’s Not Completely Senile.” A+ strategy, voters will be rushing out to the polls for that pitch.