Presidential Debate Thread

Two years ago-Shoulda been a bigger push.

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They knew that the leaders of the party had no interest in anyone other than joe and trying would have seen as being a traitor to the party or divisive at the very least?

Your reasoning does not in anyway show that those candidates would not be better against trump then joe

This is exactly right. Itā€™s also a sign of a weak party that thereā€™s nobody behind the scenes with the cachet to get to Biden and get him to announce that hes going to be a one-term President.

Just ride off into the sunset off the backs of your accomplishments. Youā€™re 82 years old and History Books will tell everyone that you defeated Donald Trump and saved America from an economic tailspin post COVID.


The time to attack Biden for his age was 2020. Bernie insulated him from that because you canā€™t argue Biden is too old without at least implying that Bernie is too. Sanders couldnā€™t make that argument and you couldnā€™t beat Biden with an argument that would turn off Bernie Bros.

This part of the decision tree was decided long ago.

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Exactly. Many athletes have this problem too. Just canā€™t retire on top. They gotta wait until they actually become a liability

Egotistical narcissists suck

This is an institutional problem, not one of evil individuals

Agreed. Skydiver types should have organized years ago to get biden out of this election


no capable dem stood up against biden in this last primary because theyā€™re all too nice and compassionate. it was all, ā€œoh i wouldnā€™t want to hurt his feelings campaigning against him, heā€™s such a nice manā€ and ā€œoh he secretly promised me a cabinet position which will advance my careerist ambitions which is the most important thing to meā€. thatā€™s the weakness that doomed us.


He did say he was hilter jr.

He said heā€™s pals with one dictator
He said Israel should ā€œfinish the jobā€ in Gaza

If Biden was such a corpse the talking point would be how fucking crazy trump is

But alas. Our nominee is a corpse

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Trump as the iceberg vs the Titanic is actually a great metaphor. Or analogy. Or simile? I forget which one.

Anyway itā€™s because the ship was doomed by attempting to steer around the iceberg rather than just ramming it straight on.


I know youā€™re making this exact point, but goddamn do people have extremely awful definitions of what constitutes a nice person


They knew voters wouldnā€™t vote for them. They probably also knew Biden was capable of being president and had likely talked with and or had meetings with him in person that backed that up.

He also beat Trump and as the line of demolished losers in the GOP primaries learned, thatā€™s way easier said than done. The Dems have a bad and or not ready bench. Everyone on the Democratic bench knows it and thatā€™s why there was no serious challenge.

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I donā€™t know that anybody exists in the current ecosystem that could have organized effectively enough to get it done.

Weā€™ve moved out of an era of ā€œMachine Politicsā€ where the people with the actual power existed behind the scenes. That era allowed people with clout and power to challenge the existing people in power without publicly having to bear the brunt of a failed attempt.

The problem this time around is that for Whitmer or Newsom or Pete to mount a challenge, the real downside for them personally is that theyā€™re cooked for 2028 if they fail (and they would very likely fail). And that extends down to the lower levels of politics as well. Anybody at the delegate level who supported the failed candidate sees their future aspirations go down when they do.


I think itā€™s more about whoā€™s turn it is. In 2016 they just decided it was Hillaryā€™s turn. Then it was Bidenā€™s. And now of course the incumbent gets to run again. What actual voters think or want never enters into the equation


Sounds like a problem of careerism vs the greater good

that requires interpretation. so far every debate in the history of debates, the result was up to interpretation. this was the only debate EVER where everyone knew who lost. thatā€™s bad.

the people who are putting their money behind their analysis are saying joe biden has a 78% chance of losing this election. the people saying otherwise are admitting theyā€™re lying and saying itā€™s okay to promote delusionary thinking because the other side does that too. thatā€™s also a bad sign.


That would probably boost his numbers. Heā€™d need to do something to confirm his campā€™s fears about him, but they donā€™t have any.

Closest thing from Trump would be him saying ā€œI believe absolutely zero of what Iā€™m saying, I am focused solely on stealing anything that isnā€™t nailed down and paying my debts to Russia by helping them conquer Europeā€. But it still wouldnā€™t matter.


Is this consensus?

Iā€™m not sure Trump could say anything so direct that would cost him votes. Every time he says something absurd, he wins the voters who see him as a straight shooter.

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In California, once you are on the ballot, you do not come off the ballot. you canā€™t. I know this because it was something we looked into during this past primary. We were wondering if it would be feasible to ask our unendorsed opponents to drop out.

They can drop out, but their name will still be on the ballot. This is incredibly stupid, yes, but it is the rule here. I believe the only exception is death, but Iā€™m actually not even sure thatā€™s the case: in Chula Vista, a candidate for city attorney died a couple of months before the election and he still was on the ballot.

You all can scream about replacing Biden all you want, but Iā€™m telling you, legal maneuvering aside, it is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Iā€™ve repeatedly said why. Ballot issues. Voter stupidity. Campaign Finance rules. I havenā€™t mentioned voter trust. But Iā€™ve seen the reaction when you all thought ā€œthe DNCā€ ā€œconspiredā€ to push out your favorite guy. Now you want us to choose someone else? Why would we do that when all that would happen is weā€™d get the same hate from you and everyone else if we chose the ā€œwrongā€ person? Look at those polls I posted. The only person the DNC would even remotely consider got TWO votes on here. one of them was mine because I know how the world works. So when they picked Kamala, youā€™re telling me with a straight face that youā€™d be OK with that?

And if you wouldnā€™t be then please, tell me how your preferred person should get picked. Should theyā€¦campaign? You want them to do the exact thing you hateā€¦an internal party campaign, with no say from voters who arenā€™t connected, and then we pick?

Republicans would win in perpetuity because the anti-fascist party would crack into a million little factions and never repair itself. Step outside of your feelings and look at this from a mile high perspective and tell me the petty infighting we see already would explode into a raging inferno if we let the DNC pick a candidate as opposed to the voters. Oh wait, you donā€™t have to imagine it. You can actually watch it:

So this board, all of you posters who spent literal years bitching about how the DNC iced out Bernie, is telling me that now you want the big bad DNC to pick a candidate? I struggle to believe it. I truly do.

Iā€™m pushing so hard against this because I know what will happen if we do what youā€™re asking. We would absolutely destroy ourselves.