Presidential Debate Thread

“Dream Bernie, So I don’t have to dream alone. Dream…Dream Bernie”

But the buck has to stop with Biden. Trump has gish galloped in every debate. Hell he does something like a gish gallop at his rallies too. Like it was the #1 thing for Biden to be prepared for and blaming the staff is just proving Biden isn’t the guy. I’ll admit I thought Trump would be more thrown off by getting his mic cut, but none of that excuses Biden’s body language, a politician of his stature should remain composed no matter what and he was not able to do it in the first minute or two.

BTW you are absolutely right about Heather Cox Richardson. I have at least 2 friends who follow her and put that on Facebook, but they are both suburban moms who will vote and vote blue no matter what due to Roe vs. Wade and Trump being a misogynist pig.


In the annals of Riverman wrongness, I think this take is top 5%. There is no way a brown woman yields transformational majorities for Republicans. It would never happen in our current reality.


The most common argument I hear is that he is gay and that 'Murica is not ready for an openly gay president. I’m not sure if that is correct or not, but it is definitely highly plausible.

And yet he is doing it and has been doing fine overall, vastly exceeding any expectations serious people had about his presidency. That’s why he has a great chance at getting a second term regardless of whether he finishes that term.


You are still conflating being president and running for president.

I agree that his presidency has been better than expected but cmon, we all know it’s not Joe Biden driving that train.

And yet and yet and yet he is doing both. Incumbency wow.

You make it sound like you want him to step down right now. Is that what you’re saying?

I wildly disagree with you. This shows every hallmark of what a younger Biden would want. He’s very much there enough to drive policy in directions he wants and it’s foolish to say otherwise.

Regardless of what you think, Biden is a good politician, and he hasn’t forgotten how to do that over the last 50+ years he’s been one. He both knows how to drive the boat and ride the boat and it seems clear he constantly does both based on the expedience of whatever the moment is. He’s still not put any focus on the big health insurance horrors going on in this country but that might be coming if he gets a term 2. He’s also s*** on immigration but that was expected, though he’s still nowhere close to as bad as Trump or Obama on it.


He needs to drop out of the race right now yes. As for his presidency the people around him need to ensure he is competent to be running the country right now as all evidence points to the contrary.

What is the most important job a president has?

Of course we’re in a campaign and campaigning is important. No question. But in terms of being president, who’s been better in your lifetime?

Having competent people running things is the single most important job a president has!


This is the wrong question. He has been good. But it’s not some conspiracy to suggest based on the evidence that Biden now is just not the same as Biden 3 years ago. This is totally normal for an octogenarian so it’s not some deep character assassination. It’s why 80 year olds simply should not be president. Ever.

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So where does the buck stop?

Biden gets no credit for having an administration as free of scandal, controversy and embarrassment as any in history?

Which is why he should have never agreed to a debate. The down side is too big especially when you look like a reanimated corpse on your best day.

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Remain president, but drop out. Your language is way too harsh to the point where the only correct answer to you should be stepping down and dropping out immediately.

I wildly disagree with you on both and think you have Biden mapped extremely wrong regarding his day to day ability. There ain’t no cavalry coming. He is the horse we’re going to dance with in this election barring a major health situation which can happen out of nowhere to anyone at any time. The good news for Biden is he has the world’s best doctors surrounding him any time he needs them. He is not a normal person in that regard and you should always treat his health as ‘under control’.

Be glad you don’t live in the U.S. there you’d supposedly have to live with the ‘doom’ of Roper embarrassing Trump again, because Trump is so bad beyond words, and will continue to push voters that matter to that nice old man, Joe. That’s already what the first post debate poll suggests, if we are to believe steaming and flaming dumpster fires. I still haven’t watched a frame of the debate and am not going to.

There should be three constitutional criteria to be eligible for the presidency:

  1. You’re charismatic
  2. You’re between the ages of 45 and 65.
  3. You’ve outperformed in at least one (ideally more) competitive state-level elections.

No exceptions unless you’re the sitting President. Everyone knows this, but their lizard brains convince them that their guy is so charismatic and so special that they can ignore the rules. Nope, nope, nope. I like Mayor Pete, but the fact that he was taken the tiniest bit seriously as a presidential candidate is unbelievably damning.

He gets tons of credit. That has literally nothing to do with his ability today. People are acting like the difference between 80 and 83 is the same as 40 and 43. It’s just not for the vast majority of people and Biden is obviously one.

I agree with this criteria, but the narcissism is so high in every presidential candidate that outliers squeak through. People like Tulsi, Pete, and Swalwell just believed their own hype despite being way too young for runs. All had enough charisma, but failed on the other tests. All three bothered me more than most of the others specifically because of their ages. Pete gets closest but he was miles away from the finish line for me. If Biden dies in a second term Harris should absolutely make him Veep to give him a chance to run in 2032 or 2028 if she’s a disaster.

The biggest indictment of Joe Biden and his team is that they agreed to this debate. I mean wtf were they thinking. I had assumed that because they agreed to it that Joe would be kinda on point. You literally knew in the first minute it wasn’t looking good. wtf.