Presidential Debate Thread

Thin skinned like maga too


Iā€™m begging you to be a little normal

Including voluntary withdrawal?

The whole situation seems insane to me. Iā€™m not saying I wonā€™t fully support him and do everything in my power to get him elected if he continues to run, but jfc even responsible middle age folks who care about their families take out life insurance policies preparing for an untimely death. I really donā€™t appreciate the nonchalance this 81 year old has when it comes to putting the entire country at risk ala RBG

Yeah, you and Bruce are great examples of being normal

Youā€™re a coward.

Iā€™ve invited you on multiple occasions to articulate what makes me a shitty person and all you can do is call me thin-skinned?

Ikeā€™s, Mendoza, and Bruce walk into a bar

Have you ever once had anything to say?


Someone sent me this same thing this morning. Not sure who Heather Cox Richardson is who doesnā€™t think it was a debate, but pretty sure gish galloping is a common debating technique used by people who donā€™t have facts on their side

Youā€™ve decided to turn a thread about an at least seemingly important political event into your personal butthurt shooting gallery, but keep posting through it

People have a tendency to not change rules to account for something that has never happened. Part of the reason we are in such a mess is that the US has run good in avoiding the sort of crises that make governments fall. Itā€™s annoying, but very human.

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Iā€™m am not and have never claimed to be normal.


Your inability to follow along with what is going on continues to provide us all with entertainment.

Please keep posting. You and Bruce are doing gods work

Sheā€™s a historian who has a big substack readership I believe, used to be history stuff and now does like a daily politics newsletter since trump I think but which now functions as an arm of Biden press basically

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I can see the next few months are going to be a lot of fun around here.


weā€™re toast, man. itā€™s over. our party is a joke with this guy as our nominee. the way people are coping is going full trumpy and choosing to not believe what youā€™re seeing and hearing in front of you on live tv.

iā€™ve been semi joking about the fall of the american empire but this is some wild shit, iā€™m basically learning thereā€™s twice as many lunatics in this country than i thought there were yesterday afternoon, and it was already an uncomfortably large number.



we all know what it is because weā€™re nerds who argue online.

To the random suburban ladies on facebook who read and share Heather Cox Richardsonā€™s stuff (and trust me there are a LOT), the gish gallop is an entirely new concept. Apparently, itā€™s also a new concept to Bidenā€™s debate prep team, who should be fired and replaced immediately.

Whatā€™s funny is the format we all thought would help Biden actually helped Trump, for the reasons she said. Itā€™s not an excuse, but itā€™s a valid point.

As for my poll. Iā€™m glad you guys like Big Gretch and Pete so much. The only possible replacement for Biden at this stage due to campaign finance reasons is Kamala Harris, and itā€™s the only person the DNC would even remotely consider. So. next poll. Who should we nominate:

  • Joe Biden/Kamala Harris
  • Kamala Harris/Pete Buttigieg
  • Kamala Harris/Gretchen Whitmer
  • Kamala Harris/Wes Moore
  • Kamala Harris/Raphael Warnock
  • Kamala Harris/someone else
0 voters
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Iā€™m old enough to remember when this forum was sure Omicron was going to be the end of civilization as we know it, and 2 years ago we were about to enter Great Depression II.

Iā€™m not saying I know we arenā€™t toast. But Iā€™m not saying I know we are either. People have the attention span of gnats. They already thought Biden was old. I donā€™t think this is hitting normies nearly as hard as political sickos like us.

Or maybe Iā€™m wrong, which is entirely possible.


You guys amaze me. For a bunch of political junkies to even think Biden replacement could happen at this point amazes meā€¦ That ship sailed 2+ years ago. You guys were making fun of Joe rogan and saying he is a kook for suggesting Biden is glitching out and is going to be replaced 4 months ago.