Presidential Debate Thread

I predict an omg wtf improvement for the second debate. I understand that if I’m wrong it will then be too late to course correct. But this is the hand we’ve been dealt.

@mosdef you got it wrong. What I can’t stand, is kids in cages

But he is, and he’s the only one.

Y’all, I have had a completely insufferable day. My phone and email have been pinging all day with crying and whining and people asking me what I’m going to do at the convention.

Bitches, I’m nominating Biden at the convention! My god. And it’s not because I’m some huge Biden stan. I’ve had more people ask me about Pete today than did during the 2020 primary, for god’s sake.

Chris Jackson said it best, IMHO.


Yes, of course. It’s on Biden to drop out before then.


Not happening. Sorry. If he did, instead of Nate Silver’s 60% chance of loss, it would be 100%. The replacement’s name wouldn’t be on half the ballots in the country, and they’d have to start from $0 for an election 4 months away.

I’m a realist, because I know how this all works. Keep smoking that hopium, though.

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In which states do you believe that the nominee confirmed at the Democratic convention would not appear on the ballot in November? You say it’s half, so name one, preferably with citation.


Is that right? What if Biden were to drop dead this weekend?

You’re telling me it would still say “Joe Biden/Kamala Harris” on over half the ballots in November?

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Yea let’s be more like Republicans! Let’s deny what everyone’s eyes just saw!


If Biden can do another debate and bring the energy and charisma, then sure he can bounce back. But he’s 81 years old. Everyone gets to an age when they can’t do they job anymore. We’re not voting for the guy he was, or even the guy he is today. We’re voting for the guy he will be and one thing is for sure. He will not be younger in November or during the next presidency.

It’s not about the bad day, it’s about the bad trend.
It’s not about failing. It’s about failing in the specific way his opponents said he would in an unforced manner

There will come a time in Biden’s life where age causes cognitive decline. He is already past the age it happens to many. Once it starts going it often goes fast. Signs point to it happening now and it is very likely to get worse rather than better. The idea that those concerned are spineless and should just get on board because Biden had comebacks in the past is missing the point. Biden has beaten a lot of opponents but no one has beaten father time. And we’ve been burned by Democrats hanging on too long a lot. As another poster pointed out (not sure if her or the other site) Ted Kennedy hanging on too long cost us the public option, RBG hanging on too long cost us Roe vs. Wade, Feinstein’s weekend at Bernie’s routine certainly slowed down judicial confirmations this cycle, and now this is putting project 2025 in more likely than not territory. It’s not spineless to stand up and say “this needs to stop before it’s too late”

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What do actuarial tables look like for these 2 guys? That seems like our only hope.

I don’t think Trump will do another debate.

Good point. It would not be in Trump’s interest to do it but he does love free publicity and attention so maybe there’s hope?

Honestly, I think blue states would bend over backwards to find ways to make exceptions (if he died) while red states would say “haha fuck you”.

However, when i say “red” or “blue” I of course mean the Secretary of State or the Supreme courts of those states, which aren’t necessarily matched to their presidential voting trends.

So someplace like Georgia or NC, which could conceivably vote blue for president, probably wouldn’t allow a replacement name because their states are run by right wing assholes.

I think I’m just really really tired of the unrealistic hand-wavy suggestions flying around, because as usual, I’m the one sitting here thinking about how it would actually get done, and knowing too much about these processes.

By all means, keep the dream alive if it makes you feel better. I’ll be over here working with what we have.


You live in California, so let’s pick a state you are familiar with. Suppose Biden drops out today, tells his delegates to vote their conscience, and candidate John Doe wins the majority vote of delegates at the Democratic national convention.

Who appears on the ballot in November in California?

I am not saying @skydiver8 is wrong, but these posts are the only place I’ve seen someone say that if Biden drops out his replacement wouldn’t be on the presidential ballot in a bunch of states. If that is actually the case, then yeah discussion over. But I would think that would get mentioned in an article like this.


The low key sexism itt is telling