Presidential Debate Thread

We need some sort of deepfake AI version of Biden from here on out


Even if there was something that “threw him off”, that’s still really bad for someone running for President. The President of the US faces bigger challenges than a scheduled debate, a “bad” debate should be something like when Obama was arguably outperfomed by Mitt back in 2012, not something where people immeditely question your fitness for office.


Here’s a start^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1806743512613863537|twgr^291e3767b8d5e9d800efba63ece425b1da1b112e|twcon^s1_&

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Yeah I don’t even know what it could be (justifiably), like Yellowstone caldera is likely to erupt in the next 3 months, imminent meteor strike he’s not allowed to talk about, alien sighting, or Hunter telling him that Putin has dirt that will put him in jail for life.

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Maybe Biden is an energy vampire who can’t function without an audience.


Biden needs someone to punch up his jokes.

“Trump left office with fewer jobs than when he started. The only other president to do that was Herbert Hoover. That’s why I call him Donald ‘Herbert Hoover’ Trump.”

Should be that’s why Trump sucks harder than a Hoover.


I think he has The Olds. He spent so much time looking dumbfounded and pointing out how obviously wrong Trump was instead of putting on a good show. Easier to do that when you’re just speaking vs debating.

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Yeah it’s possible the terminally political are overreacting to this a bit, in assuming the normies are also freaking out. But to the normies, Biden is old and Trump’s an asshole was already the narrative. So not much changed for them. I saw a lot of lamenting that these are the only two candidates we have on my sports twitter list. Given Biden’s debate performance, I can live with that.

this shows how much the teleprompter matters. people say he declined so much since the SOTU but hes really the same person, the environment of a debate stage where you have to think on your feet and transfer your thoughts from your brain to your mouth in a timely and coherent manner is just way different from a campaign/SOTU where you can just read off a prompter and recieve a standing O every 30 seconds and have loud noises to distract the audience.


I hate to handicap these things, because I have no idea what the hell is going on around here, but my very strong intuition is that Biden backing out is the worst possible outcome. Both in terms of the presidency and downballot races. And someone like Whitmer would be crazy for pursuing the opportunity.

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Practically speaking, doing anything significant would have to be done with Biden’s acceptance, so all the work would have to be done behind the scenes. And Biden can be arrogant and strong-willed in his way, though he doesn’t usually present like that. Anyway, just ask Feinstein/RBG/McConnell.

A former White House official argued that people needed to be fired, but lamented that probably wouldn’t happen because Biden rarely dismisses people.

Pretty sure that’s what this guy said last night.


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Maybe this is the year the youth vote turns out for the Dems…

What does the moral of an alley cat mean?
A promiscuous woman; also, a person of loose morals. For example, She’s constantly picking up men in bars—a real alley cat . This idiom transfers a stray cat that frequents alleys in search of food to a woman of easy virtue, especially a prostitute seeking customers. [ Slang ; early 1900s]

Well, maybe next time.

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biden staying in and having a McConnell freeze-up moment in public is probably 200x worse

having another debate “performance” like last night is probably 100x worse

backing out will seem catastrophic in the moment but people will move on pretty quickly, literally 95% of voters in this country were desperate for anyone else to run, are you really gonna be all “well I can’t vote for WHITMER because something something BIDEN”??? no, of course not.


Nothing explains why, when handed a perfect abortion question on a silk pillow, Biden started talking about a woman raped and killed by an illegal immigrant.

Dave is a smart pundit, but what? eDems have been tacking hard right on immigration for months now. Of course they’re going to give up completely and adopt Republican framing on raping immigrants savaging women. Dems are all but campaigning on expanding the border wall.

Ok, it was a disaster. I stayed in bed til noon.

But at least there’s this. Saw it on twitter and had my doubts but sure enough. Cued up to 1:16:20. Listen carefully

Here is the just the audio from that moment, if you prefer.

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Maybe he will just forget he’s running for president and this whole mess will be solved

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my boomer mother LOVED that line. she texted me about it this morning…

but she was already a lifelong dem