Presidential Debate Thread

Tbf my logic in voting yes is that Biden was losing and needed to do something to increase variance rather than marching to a slow death. You gotta admit, it sure increased the variance!


Did you read the tweet? The claim is that the timing was intentionally chosen to deny voters a voice to ensure the party chose the replacement

The plan was to wait until now to show that he needed to be replaced. Thatā€™s the claim, anyway. And I assume you are responding to the claimed plan.

Itā€™s a bit tin foil hat of a claim, but youā€™re stilp creating a bit of a false choice between plans, given that the claim was about the timing of the replacement. The claim assumes replacement is inevitable any way that it shakes out

So when yuv says the plan was to get someone else to lose to Trump, it seems obvious he means people will be resentful at not being given a primary vote

Sorry I was just responding to the idea that he needs to replaced. The tweet is lol dumb.

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Grunching it all, but it seems like it was bad for the Dems?

This is what headlines, liberal commentators and forum postings seem to indicate. A spicy climate newsletter called Bidenā€™s performance ā€œunsettling.ā€



How about we open up the race to a list of maybe 4 or 5 candidates and use the primary elections as kind of a super-primary for the Democratic nomination. I just checked, and the Democratic Convention seems to fall before most of those primaries. But stillā€¦

Imagine the work and effort it takes to find the guy who can lose to Trump.

Dems are a a cancer infecting the globe.


So how can they actually get him out? Jill plus like every powerful donor and dem politician begs? Seems like weā€™re drawing super slim, basically to a health event.

Obama could end it with one statement


Health event? The guy is literally a reanimated corpse. What is already dead cannot be killed.


Tell him that ā€œwe beat Medicareā€ is going to be a Trump commercial weā€™ll see over and over. They need to sit him down and just tell him heā€™s going to lose. Get out and give the country a chance.


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I dunno man. Obama could come out with a statement that Biden always called him the N word, and Dr Jill would still be pushing Corn Pop out there

If Biden were willing to step down, I think he would make being able to hand-pick his successor, or at least having a strong voice, a condition. And I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he had an understanding that he was supposed to support Kamala Harris as his successor and would feel honor-bound to stick with it.

So I guess we can cross Jill off our list of people who may convince him to step aside.

Itā€™s wild that people think a forcefed replacement would have a nonzero shot at the win

Just accept reality

I am absolutely convinced that the Democratic establishment is very capable of picking a non-Kamala force-fed replacement who has a worse shot at winning than Biden.

I think we are saying the same thing?