Presidential Debate Thread

Glad to see hard-hitting investigative journalism is still alive

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I didn’t understand Biden’s answer

Im in the outback with tenuous internet so i cant watch clips from this debate even if I wanted to. Sounds like it went great!

A problem with the Presidential selection process is that the main thing it selects for is astronomical levels of narcissism. Michelle Obama could probably walk into the job and won’t because mentally healthy people don’t want to subject themselves to any of this shit. Instead we get the DSM5 entry on NPD in human form versus a guy who thinks its perfectly reasonable to ask voters to endorse him still being President at age 86.


Trump would be smart to skip the second debate.

Given the brevity of their first debate from last election, it would be kinda funny if Biden gave Trump COVID.

Well, over the last 50 years dems have decided to basically eliminate the power of the party. So this is democracy in action.

Yeah seems 100% he got some mild upper respiratory virus that makes him sound like complete shit

The idea that… bbccdhnvvhhzzxz


Lol so is joe. He finally got around to zinging trump on firing the general who told he disrespected the troops

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biden reminds me of belichick answering press conference questions after a loss.

The Bros have really done it this time!


They need to make Biden’s talking points number-free. It takes a toll on him cognitively to search his memory for an exact number when being precise doesn’t matter.


he starts off saying “i want to make 3 points” and you can tell by the end of #1, he’s kicking himself for putting himself in that situation lmao



Remember when Rick Perry’s career was ruined because he couldn’t remember the Department of Energy?

Nobody cares Trump is saying batshit things


Biden wants to reply “He’s lying, the truth is…” when he should just stop at “Trump is a liar”.

So the job of the moderators is to ask the questions and keep time.

And nothing else.