Presidential Debate Thread: Take 2 (Tonight at 9 PM Eastern)

omg they gave him an opportunity to actually look normal and he rejected it to go on with the big lie

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Here we go again claiming he didnā€™t lose the 2020 election. Never change.

We need Walz!


Here we go: Our elections are bad!

His handlers are going to try like hell to not let him do another debate. But his narcissistic ass probably thinks heā€™s winning and will want to do more.

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Lol David didnā€™t detect the sarcasm


Literally heard it this way.

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Donald is fighting as hard as he can but he is out of his league.

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Iā€™m pretty sure he just attacked his genius SCOTUS justices for not understanding standing.

lol more baiting. This is gold.

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OMG he was so triggered by that ā€œfired by 81 million peopleā€ line.


iā€™ve always liked him even tho he always has the same serious look whether itā€™s a terrorist attack or a cat up a tree story

Trump was fired by 81 million people

And heā€™s having a difficult time processing that



Trump fired by 81 million people. Mega tilt incoming!!!



Ouch, Trump was fired

Lol he REALLLLY disliked the ā€œFired by 81 million peopleā€ line

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Who is monitoring the MAGAs? They must be apoplectic.

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By Democrats! I have it on good authority they donā€™t do that.


Great job to connect J6 and the Big Lie to stuff that matters today to people.

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This is an absolute bloodbath and feel free to call up SSC but if Trump tanks even half of what Biden lost after his debate Missouri is going to be the swing state. (weā€™re not going to get that close but I do think this locks things for Harris)