Most, yes. All, no probably not.

Let’s be honest here, though. There’s a lot of bullshit thrown at Biden on this. There are hundreds of kids who Trump separated who’s family we cannot find because they were a monstrous administration. The right thing to do is to put them in the best foster homes imaginable at federal expense and devote substantial resources to finding their families.

But they’d still be in federal custody, so Joe wouldn’t have let them all go.

There will also be some who’s parents committed actual crimes and must be charged, so the same issue applies.

Letting them all out is not realistically possible. Treating them all with humanity and compassion immediately, reuniting families ASAP and devoting immense resources to doing so is the best case scenario.

Joe may still not accomplish that, but I think he’ll come close.

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Even if Trump loses the model is still correct. 10-1 dogs come in all the time!


He’s going to release the kids ASAP dude. This is what I mean. You’re calling enforcing the nations immigration laws (which are mega fucked up to be clear) ‘kidnapping’. This is an extreme way to describe border enforcement.

Let’s be clear: I’m for something pretty close to open borders. I want who and what is coming in tracked basically, but assuming you fill out your paperwork I want it to be legal and easy. Why? Because making it anything but easy incentivizes criminal behavior.

But what’s your chief priority? Immigration reform or ending the war on drugs? Or healthcare reform?

We have a ton of problems to solve and calling the Democratic president who is actively trying to figure out how to solve all of these problems at once a kidnapper is not helpful at all in any way from any point of view.

It is very easy to be a moral purist and point at the injustice in America, which is even more abundant than our wealth, while demanding moral perfection.

But that does very little to get rid of the injustice and may even be detrimental.

I’d love it to be one way, but it’s the other way.

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We’ll see. I think he’ll call on Congress to send some undefinable thing called “comprehensive immigration reform” to him and go back to kidnapping at the Obama rate and libs will vilify anyone who mentions it because 30% fewer people will be kidnapped than under Trump.


Or maybe it’s “but the Republicans are worse” that’s actually detrimental.


This is a terrible strawman. People can disagree on strategy and tactics. Not everyone has the same goals.

This whole “moral purist” trope is an attempt to say the centrists are the practical & smart ones, and everyone outside of the centrists are impractical & basically stupid & acting purely on emotions/etc.


Nytimes poll of Kansas has Trump +7. That’s a fucking terribad result for him. He won that state by 21 points in 2016.


In 2019 we did twice as many border apprehensions as we did under Obama in his second term. It took them a few years but they got there.

Deportations were worse under Obama. Family separation they don’t even release statistics on anymore. I wonder why?

Biden will be a big improvement on Trump, but we’ll still have work to do.



Seems important.

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Is Biden going to drop any federal charges against @PocketChads and his friends? Do you guys remember that Biden was the law and order military guy the dems used to balance the ticket in 2008? And you imagine he’s going to be more of a hippy than Obama?

Eta: wait, Biden wouldn’t dare interfere with the justice department. We’ll have to see if AG is a conservative he appoints so people don’t think he’s antifa.

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i can only hope he learned from his experience getting shafted by republicans from 08-16. i’m an optimist. hopefully the people around him will fuckin remember who the republicans are when they’re “negotiating” with them


This is very nearly a parody demonstration of my point about the left not being remotely fair… There’s right at zero chance that a Biden admin keeps cracking down on protesters like the Trump admin, and there’s also zero chance that they continue to ignore the white supremacists. They are going to have a pretty rough winter to kick off the Biden term.


How absurd to suggest that Joe Biden might be putting people in prison.

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Hey I said Biden had a 9% chance to win. Effin river gutterball, that’s all.

Dang it. Ponied. I am here for the lolz where they contest a state where the late mail-in would help Trump.

The Trump admin has not cracked down on protestors any worse than Obama.



Are we going to go back to jailing them with there parents…