At what point does the apparent out of wack-ness of the Texas poll start to make one skeptical of the Pennsylvania poll?

Fuck them and their shitty poll that almost gave me a heart attack. In honor of the Vince Meme, if I ever meet them I’m grabbing a steel chair.


Somebody? Do they keep them until election day and count them then? Do they count them as they come…?

It’s not out of whack. We’re playing ball in Texas.

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The Democratic Party, the country, etc.

We’ll have about 6 months where the line is “you need to give him time, of course he can’t change things overnight, look at all the committees he’s formed” before it’s midterm season and now we can’t attack all of the moderate Dems who are backing Biden’s shitty policies because they’re about to be up for election again. And we need to re-elect them before we push them left.


You realize you can push him left. You don’t need the permission of centrists.

Join your local party office. Start volunteering for a progressive candidate. Join an NGO. Write for your local editorial page. Protest. Etc.


It varies by state, unfortunately.

It’s rule 34 of US elections: if you can imagine a way of counting votes, at least one state is doing it that way already.

And… refuse to vote for the stupid potato in solid donkey states like CA. Does that count?



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They imagine you are one of them. (‘Liberals’ or whatever they call themselves) They will call you a traitor to them. They won’t use the word “traitor”, they’ll just say you’re effectively supporting Trump Jr. or whoever.

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Be fair… the far left throws plenty of insults themselves, and quite a few of them are pretty wildly unfair. We were calling Biden senile for a straight year, and that clearly wasn’t the case.

I do think that we have an obligation to give the Biden admin the benefit of the doubt until they get too far out of line. For the record I don’t think they’re going to go back to business as usual until some fairly obvious and overdue stuff gets done, much of which is pretty big.

I know a lot of people are going to be mad at me for saying this, but I think having Biden as President with a huge mandate to do big stuff because he won in a landslide than anyone else with a smaller margin of victory. I think it’s going to be easier to get Biden to sign good stuff than it is to get Manchin/Feinstein to do the right thing and I don’t think it’s super close.


Mason is an Iranian agent?

Signing stuff is easy. He could get all the children (and adults too) out of DHS custody on day one if he wants to. Will he? What’s he going to do about this? He’s going to wait for a bi-partisan bill to release kidnapping victims?


I agree with that. The most important thing is an expanded version of HR1, because that protects us going forward and gives us a fair fight.

Then we can start tackling the most urgent issues: healthcare, criminal justice/equality, immigration and protecting dreamers, climate change, income inequality.

The order doesn’t matter to me. We have to do all of it, and it’s all urgent. The most important thing is that we move swiftly.

I’d be happy to package it all into one massive bill and tell the GOP to choke on it.


Nope. And doing so would be political suicide. This is part of why the left gets frozen out of the political process… they always want to overshoot their mandate dramatically in the interests of ideological purity. Basically giving the left an inch doesn’t do anything but result in them immediately calling it insufficient and asking for a mile.

I happen to agree that it’s the right thing to do on a human level, but it’s fucking stupid if our goal is to actually take power. That’s some shit you do after you’ve build an insulated political machine and moved public opinion where you want to go. Wanting to skip the process of building power and just expect others to sacrifice their own political power because it’s the right thing to do is a bad way to look at this stuff.

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sounds like it’s in the bag then

Disgusting that releasing kidnapping victims is ‘ideological purity’.


big model update


no matter what the polls or the vote count totals say the model is right damnit