Oh man I totally feel this.

This is wrong. There are people, who are not bad people, who honestly and firmly believe that abortion is murdering babies and they need the Supreme Court to put a stop to that. Those people are not all deplorable, they just believe differently than we do. There can be people who believe that but are otherwise turned off by Trump and the turn of this country towards fascism. This is especially true in my experience of pro-life women. I know several pro life republican women who are voting for Biden.


Holy shit. I knew they were awful, but didn’t realize they were number 1.

In comparison the estimated cost for ongoing pandemic preparedness is $22B/year.

Or instead of CofC lobbying we could make post secondary ed free, or double the amount of SNAP benefits.

I know you know this…but it just makes my blood boil every single time.

That’s a pretty good result for Emerson and probably would correspond to a cnn plus 16 nationally.

I messed that up. M instead of B. Their spending is in the Bs, but lobbying numbers aren’t the biggest category.

Turtle is their biggest recipient.

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Yep. My SIL is one. Votes GOP because she’s pro life and abortion is #1 with her. She’s voting Biden now because she knows SC will overturn Roe v Wade.

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seems a little strange to me to vote for a party that you sincerely think is “murdering babies”, even if you seem pretty sure that the courts will stop them from “murdering babies”

You can still have otherwise progressive, even liberal, beliefs. It can leave you without a party. These voters exist and they’re not a small number. You’ve never heard of a pro-life democrat? They used to roam the plains like the buffalo.

I would vote for a party that actually murdered babies if it also banned fracking.

This is easy to say though since I know I will never be put in this moral quandary–banning fracking is a pipedream.

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I’ve heard of these people, but I haven’t really heard anyone defend their beliefs as logically consistent. My family shares graphics of the X million dead babies all of the time, and it seems to me if you really believed in that death toll you would vote Republican and save a bunch of lives. Otherwise you probably don’t believe it that hard.

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It’s what Mitch would do!
And he’s pretty good at getting results w that kind of shit.

I was today years old… thats why I love this forum.


And when you do it call it reform and swear it’s not packing. Then repeatedly call McConnell in the middle of the night just to say “LOL fuck you,” then cackle into the phone and hang up.


"Look, I’m not gonna firmly answer this question one way or another because we simply don’t know what the landscape will look like in 2021. But I’ll tell you this, we’re definitely gonna look at all options, and if the Republicans break norms by slamming through a justice before inauguration day, then we will, as Trump would say, strongly look at all options.

Now, did you see that fly on Pence? What the hell was that?"


Yes because single issue anti abortion voters are not voting based on logic they’re voting based on emotion. There’s no reason to expect their actions to hang together.

“We have no interest in packing the court whatsoever, zero. We don’t want to do it. We won’t pack the court. Now, that said, if the Republicans don’t respect norms - including the one they created, then it’s clear our Supreme Court has become a partisan entity and that’s not how it was designed by our ingenious Founding Fathers. As a result, we would look seriously at bipartisan reform. But I promise you we won’t do anything that’s not bipartisan.”

Then pack it with 10 Democrats and 1 Republican. “That’s bipartisan, deal with it!”



Just a meh +10 for Biden. What a difference a week makes.


“Only the republicans can think of something so outrageous as packing the court. We will never pack the court, period. We will do everything in our power to make sure the court will not become the partisan entity the Republicans are making it into.”

And the after election, you apply a necessary correction of the composition of the court by adding 5 new judges, while continuing to adamantly deny it’s packing. It’s reverting the composition of the court back to the mean.

yeah this

If court packing happens and the Dems add 4 seats. Say 3 go to young liberal judges and 1 is used to troll the right as much as possible, is Obama the best appointment to send their lawnmowers into orbit?