The VP debate increased Harris’s favorables and had no other effect:


Is that where Pete will want to be though? I am sure he still eyes the WH in the future at some point. His lack of “experience” was a big knock on him. Does Comms really help him at all, even if he is really good at it?

Maybe he can be Fox’s Rick Santorum

I like flies more personally. Not a huge fan still, but clear increase in favorables.

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That’s definitely an important consideration. You keep people like Pete happy.

Its WAY TOO EARLY to talk about this but if the only material thing that happened from a Biden presidency was that voting rights were expanded (easier to register, voter ID banned, national mail in mandated, felons could vote after serving, national voting day holiday) we should all be ecstatic. If that happens to any decent degree the GOP is dead in national politics forever.

Oops, sorry all those things are unconstitutional. Sincerely, SCOTUS.



Headline: Trump won’t debate unless there’s a risk of infecting Biden.


Ty lol I was just about to chide you for not including the headline

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me reading this thread right now



I just got the “California Democratic Voter Guide” in the mail.

It’s an absolute piece of shit. Going the wrong way on most of the props, making recommendations you would expect a Republican to make.

Upsettingly, I wasn’t sure it didn’t come from Democrats even after reflecting on it. But I checked the fine print and it says, “Not distributed by any political party.”

This is some scammy shit and it should not be legal.



I’m so mad about how they just let Carl DeMaio’s group and other frame props as “new taxes” when they aren’t, or they won’t be a tax that 99% of Californians even see.

And the dems don’t fight back at all. Like, Prop 15 isn’t going to raise anyone’s property taxes except large businesses…and he runs around saying it’s a huge tax hike and will cause everyone to pay more.

By the way, fuck Prop 13 and I am a lock to vote for anything that overturns part or all of it. It’s the cause of our budget problems and our housing crisis.


It’s awful. Almost universal one-sided advertising on the props that sounds reasonable and goes the wrong way: Hi, I’m a 3rd-generation Uber driver now homeless because my property taxes went up went my Mom died because her kidneys exploded thanks to Gavin Newsom’s overreach forcing all the good people who run dialysis labs out of the kindness of their heart to shutdown, please vote Yes on Prop 15 and 23 and also 22 because like all other Uber drivers I want Daddy to keep all the money.


On Ballotpedia https://ballotpedia.org/California_2020_ballot_propositions

You can see how much money is being spent on either side for each state proposition. Prop 22 has $184M spent on the side the Uber/Lyft side. Prop 23 has $93M spent on the asshole side as well. The other sides of both those props have less than $10M spent.

In general, the fastest way to quickly ascertain if a proposition or candidate gets my vote, is this: Are they endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce? If yes, do not vote for it/them.


Trump called Kamala a communist and a monster.

Fuck this Nazi. I’d just like to say is she’s a monster, then I’m a monster too.

Biden/Harris should cut an ad with that Rihanna song or Lady Gaga song.

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Of course. All 3 republican appointed. Reagan and Trump appointees of course. Even the HW appointee calls it a travesty.


Soundbyte of Trump calling her a monster.

Cut to a crowd from a past Dem rally, Rihanna rings out. “I’m friends with the monster that’s under my bed…” Show Kamala, crowd roars.

Soundbyte of Trump calling some women crazy. Rihanna continues, “You think I’m crazy, yeah you think I’m crazy. Well that’s not fair.”

Under that show show Emma Gonzalez, Elizabeth Warren, Greta Thunberg, AOC, Malala, and intersperse with Women’s March crowds and powerful signs.

Cut to Kamala. “We’re not crazy, and we’re not going anywhere. The monsters will see you on November 3.”


Dammit now my vote counts :upside_down_face:

My buddy and I will have two Shiner Bocks in the cooler on election night and we’re counting on you to help us make sure we get to drink them!