Logically, I understand your points and accept them.

Emotionally, it feels like so much of our chances to survive this chaos rely on things working the way they’ve always worked, the way they are supposed to work. But damn, I just don’t feel like ANYTHING is normal right now, and I’m scared. I’m probably just a whiney bitch tho tbh, so more Vince pls.


I strongly dislike his politics and think he has no truly held convictions but you can’t deny that Pete is a killer.


I think ERepubs know the reality of the situation and are now counting on four years of futility from the D triumvirate 🤷

Agree Mayor Pete is killing it. I know probably not what he wants, but make him Comms Director or something.

Nah. He’s a genuinely competent dude. Give him a big portfolio.

Honestly though in 2021 Comms might be one of the most important roles in the WH. I would not hate having Pete do his management consultant thing to the communications of the Democratic Party. They’ve needed a good fire for a long long time.


I am every bit as emotionally invested in the SC senate race as I am the Presidential Race. Harrison is a sneaky good candidate, much better than “not Lindsey Graham.”


I remember his intro ad during the primary. He’s very good.

What’s so interesting to me is how absolutely shook Graham was in the debate. You’d think someone with his experience would know how to handle himself, but he is absolutely life-rattled right now.


To be fair to Lindsay Graham it really has been an ugly 4 years for him. I look forward to reading the book he writes about how much it sucked (for pleasure lol). I’ll buy it from half priced books once it’s a long forgotten piece of crap selling for .50.


I believe it. He’s not a moron. He’s sick. Dignity is an easy sacrifice for the greater good, but look at what it got him this time.

This feels remarkably similar to Super Bowl XLVIII to me. Weak armed quarterback throwing underneath routes to receivers who get mauled by linebackers and oversized safeties. Final score Biden 43, Trump 8.

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The Seahawks were underdogs there. Only one point, but dogs nonetheless.

The silence and facial contortions of the hosts tell you how effective Pete is at this.


Oh absolutely the best part of either video was the stunned silence of Baier and the other woman I don’t know at the end of the first. Inject that straight into my veins.


Watevs must be losing it. :grin:


I thought 538 said they were going to say x is “strongly favored” when x is at >= 85 in the model

It might just be >85.

Jan 20, 2021

After Biden is sworn in, he rips off his Mission Impossible face mask. It was Bernie all along! And Kamala is AOC!


The 2020 model is very similar if not totally identical to the “polls-plus” model from 2016, but Nate just publishes one model now (while only making the occasional reference to what the polls would say if the election were tomorrow). The polls-plus model as stated there was 83% Clinton, so, pretty high. I think a lot of the discrepancy between that high percentage but with lesser polling than Biden has is that in 2016, it wasn’t clear that Trump had the electoral college advantage that he has now. Polling this year pretty clearly indicates that the tipping point states are about 2.5 points more favorable to Trump than the national average, but it didn’t look that way in 2016. Then, MI, WI, and PA were all averaged to have more favorable margins for Clinton than the national average. Now, those states are more favorable for Trump than the national average, and that makes a big impact on his chances.


I think Trump got Covid while making love to Chris Christie.

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