from Imgflip Meme Generator


God that meme is so great. I laugh every single time.


They’re good poals, Brant.


Holy fucking god, are we really still investigating the fucking clinton foundation? The SOL’s have long since run out on the non-existent crimes, and also, nobody gives a fuck. Durham assumed parts of John Huber's Clinton Foundation review: source | Fox News


The reason why Ohio is important even though it’s not a real tipping point state is that it counts its absentees upfront with a cutoff of election day. We’ll know election night who won Ohio. If Biden won Ohio it won’t matter if it takes 2 weeks to resolve the rest of the midwest.



These foxnews polls were all completed after the death of RBG. Starting to get some hope again. Republicans confirming ginsburg’s successor BEFORE the election is a big strategic mistake IMO. Once they get the 6-3 conservative lock it’s tough to see it motivating the people who don’t like trump but also think abortion is evil. They could be using this as a cudgel to get these people to vote, and then just confirm in the lame duck session either way. This is a weird choice of strategy.

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Also, I don’t know why people are worried about the debates. The bar has been INSANELY lowered for “sleepy joe has dementia tired biden.” It’s like his acceptance speech at the DNC. So long as he gets on the stage and doesn’t have a fucking stroke the narrative is going to be about how he exceeded expectations. He’s now done 15 primary debates in the past two years. In none of them did he utterly and completely bomb. Trump hasn’t done a debate in 4 years.


I disagree that he did not “utterly and completely bomb” some of the primary debates. That’s setting the bar too low.

The good news is he seems to do better 1v1.

I don’t think Biden did well in the D debates, and won in spite of them, simply because as an old moderate he was genuinely confused by how “far left” the other candidates were and was befuddled at how to respond to them in a politically wise manner.

Think he will be in his element standing up to the Trump and debating from his left.

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No, but really. The bar set by the trump administration is that he is a dementia-riddled tired bumbling idiot. LIke I get that he didn’t “win” the primary debates, and there were several where his performances were below average, and he did not do as well as the other people on the stage, but there were literally none where he came off as a dementia-riddled tired bumbling idiot.

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I don’t think the concern is about Joe’s perceived performance against expectations, its that the debate is a massive distribution channel for Trump’s outrageous lies. You can’t fact check them in real time, so there’s a risk that people watching the debate will leave the debate thinking Trump’s BS is reality.

I think people are generally overreacting on what things like RBG, the debates etc will do for “motivation” or impact on the election. If you want to worry about cheating, I get it. Biden will win a free and fair election.

What’s the Venn Diagram of people who are willing to watch a debate and are persuadable by Trump’s bullshit, and people who were always going to vote for Trump anyway?

Yeah, this. This has been the most stable election in modern polling history. Nearly nothing has moved the polls more than a few points and then they revert back to the mean of Biden +7-8 nationally and in all the swing states. Debates aren’t moving this needle. So long as Biden doesn’t have a stroke on stage, nobody’s mind is being changed.


Its possible everyone has already decided if and how they will vote, in which case the debated don’t matter at all. But if there is anyone where the debate (and the media narrative thereto!) will make a difference, letting Trump lie for two hours in a formal election format is potentially very damaging.


I think joe would do well to calmly state in his opening statement or during the first question that Trump is going to lie a bunch, then calmly note that he’s lying throughout the debate as the lies occur. The correct tone isn’t righteous indignation, it’s dismissive condescension.


I would agree with that, but on a recent NY Times podcast they interviewed a couple of “undecided” voters who had participated in a poll. One lady was a 31 y/o white catholic from NC, strongly pro-life, and she seemed fed up with Trump, even to the point of voting for Biden. However, she did repeat the Fox News/Trump talking point that Biden likely didn’t have all his faculties. If the debate changes 1:1000 votes that would still be meaningful in some places.

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Yes. Getting mad about it just motivates his base, which is a bad outcome. And a screaming yes/no match will make the relatively disengaged crowd throw up their hands and think “this is all bullshit why vote for anyone?”

Agree. Biden was at his best during the primaries when he was talking, not yelling. It’s also what made his convention speech excellent.

He should essentially ignore Trump the entire night (except perhaps to say, “That’s a lie” before pivoting to his answer), and speak into the camera about healthcare, healthcare, healthcare.

ETA: For the first time ever, I’m going to try really really hard to actively ignore the debates. It’s basically a no-win scenario for Biden, and will just be infuriating to watch, especially if there’s any minor slip up which will have the media writing “gaffe!” headlines afterwards.