God, who fucking cares.


The thing that scares me is that we essentially have two guys playing a game against each other. One cheats at every opportunity while the other adheres not only to every rule but every norm of civility as well. Who wins that game most of the time? Joe thinks somehow he will be rewarded for his good behavior. That it will carry the day. He isn’t playing to win the game, rather to get people to think he is the more gentlemanly player. Hell 90% of entire Democratic party suffers from this. His tweet is part of that.


I mean, everyone on here says they want Dems to play hardball like Republicans, well this is part of it. Trump wasn’t saying he was going to get rid of the ACA and not replace it with anything, even though that is lol exactly what they have been trying to do. No, he was saying he was going to replace it with something so much better. If we want Dems playing the same game, they should be out there saying the police are an incredible institution for safety and security for this country, we need reforms to make them more equpped to handle the dangerous society we live in, I’m going to make sure our officers are safe. Then turn around and take away their military equipment and decimate their budgets.


Yeah, I’m with you here but our problem is that even if Joe was on board with the types os social/legal reforms most of us in this board want, the proper strategy would not be to be more transparent about it, imo. He should just keep the same messaging but cheat.

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I agree but actively tweeting in support of the police right now is tone deaf imo. Just say nothing. He is already on the record as being against violence.


When in the history of ever have the Democrats pulled off a stunt like this?


Fair points. I just think this falls under the category of “things where the fascists will take advantage of the centrists’ instinct to do the normal thing”. In a vacuum should the President deliver bland general support for police? Sure, why not. In September 2020 with the militarized police murdering people in the street and an authoritarian rallying people to install an undemocratic fascist administration? Maybe walk that back a bit Joe. Maybe put out a statement of bland support for the democratic process and the will of the people?


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Jorgensenmentum. I’m extremely confident Ernst is going to get got. She does not come off as a human being

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Like her most played ad locally is one where she talks about the domestic violence she has experienced in her past and she still sounds like a lizard person. Truly bizarre

I don’t think much of polls that have 10+% undecided. But I hope Dems realize that Iowa is definitely a winnable swing state for them now and in the future. The urban areas are solidly blue. So they win everything except Northwest Iowa, which is a religious fundamentalist hellscape.

huge dump of lol SurveyMonkey polls today: President: general election Polls | FiveThirtyEight


Biden +15 VA
Biden 49-49 in SC
Biden +7 PA
Biden +1 Ohio
Biden +9 NC
Biden +11 NH
Biden +4 MT
Biden 48-48 in MO
Biden +10 MI
Biden +20 ME
Biden +7 GA
Biden +7 FL
Biden +20 CO
Biden +5 WI
Biden +14 MN

but somehow

Biden only +2 NM
Biden 49-49 AZ
Biden -2 NV

I don’t even know how McMahon meme would work with all this. A world where Biden wins MT, GA, FL, and OH and is a coin flip in SC but loses NV is just wild.


5 days to the first debate. That really snuck up on me.


I just took a look at my sample ballot.

In Vermont, there are TWENTY-ONE people on the ballot for president.

Are other states like this?

The map as predicted by SurveyMonkey. Where Ohio, SC, MO, and AZ are the close states.

The problem with tweeting violence is not the answer is that it’s not the answer up until the point where it’s the only answer. If your position is zero violence, then you actually have to do everything you possibly can to prevent reaching that point. These gigantic pussies have done absolutely nothing and will continue to do nothing. It was laid out specifically for him yesterday how the election will be brazenly stolen, and when it happens exactly as described he will mount some toothless court challenge then disappear into the night while the rest of us are still getting murdered by the S.S.


D- pollster.

Oh no, the democratic presidential candidate condemned somebody who shot a cop. Let’s all collapse into our fainting couches.

