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Espen’s heater continues

Is this the guy from the 2+2 dick- measuring contest?

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Tens of thousands a year down the tiolet


I don’t know man, if your goal in life is to lose six figures every year but mincash the most live poker tournaments–I recommend finding a better life goal.

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Turns out putting cameras into shuffle machines is a bad idea. I would definitely request at least one riffle if playing in a homegame with a shuffle machine and probably a good idea in casinos too.

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When did that hand take place? Because the glasses were at the very end of his life, lol

I remember this story, ungar overbet the flop, got peeled with a gutter which some people actually did back then trying to hit and stack since big bets were usually big hands and stu had a rep of possibly bluffing it all off anyway, ungar thought matloubi would never have it on river with that line, whether he was right or not he probably was, well matloubi didn’t. Funny to me how that’s closer to a hand pros would play now than any other era.

Ungar had a big chip lead in 90 wsop main event but ended up in the hospital overdosing on cocaine so he blinded off in 9th, could’ve won the main four times. Matloubi won the tournament. Ungar challenged him to a 50k HU match saying he would’ve easily won.

That hand happened during the match. it was in 92? yeah 92

I guess the cheating allegations it’s well known he could figure out opponents holding ten card gin rummy hands. Holdem is just two and people weren’t trying to play GTO or balanced back then.

of course cheating could’ve just been some time later and not this particular hand

So what’s the prevailing wisdom on Stuey? Probably a cheater or probably not a cheater?


probably a cheater at least at some point for awhile he was broke and on drugs all the time. Lot of the old timey guys kinda were at least on some level though.

also probably a very good hand reader especially in that era

How did he supposedly do it? Marked cards and glasses?

that’s a rumor with the blue glasses but all those old pros also say dude was a genius. Gin Rummy was his game. He dominated it so hard he killed it.

Season 11 of High Stakes Poker Episode No. 4


Folding that to Solomon is a crime against poker.

With starting stacks at 90 BB it’s a crime to fold it to anyone

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I have played so many people who only have AA there that I’ve turbo folded KK quite often without a single thought to it. I’m sure I’ve been wrong a few times but those people usually show and when they do it’s AA.

that is not one of those situations lmao

The guy with kings here is the owner of my private cash game lol

Didn’t know whether to put this here or in Crapto

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