Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

Ivey, Koon, Dan Smith and others. 60k usd FT. 1.5m for first


We’re up to 200k buy in, 4.5m to first

Nice fold by brewer.


??? looks like he just has a bluff catcher and he has two of what a bluff range might look like in his hand. Guess it depends if you really think your opponent can blast with just a jack

I don’t know the previous action, but I think generally if you’re in Espen’s position trying to bluff, you want Brewer to have a broadway club, so you want to try to pick different hands to bluff if you can. This could be the rare kind of board where unless you’re really good at building and knowing your own ranges, it might be more profitable to just shrug off building a river bluff range than to own yourself by poorly selecting which hands to bluff with

Cool cool cool



Mikki is actually there and he bought in for 450k (most bought in around 50k).

Airball was sick and didn’t show. They’re playing 8-handed.

a populairty contest and the sole represntitive of white people is mikki

What’s the geographic breakdown of HCL viewers?

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250k buy in, half “pros”, half “vips”. Talal the legend chip leader. 6.5mm for first. Moneymaker might triple his life time winnings

I guess Talal is considered “VIP” and Moneymaker a “PRO”?

I think moneymaker was also a vip.
Sadly bryn the cheater won

The “main event” of the series ft is set. 125k buyin, 4.1mm for first. (weird branding cause it’s basically the same group of players playing all the events and there were 2 higher buyins events)

Jungleman chip leader, Chidwick in 2nd, Doug Polk in 5th and Ike Haxton in 7th.

Ivey won some side turbo event for a milly.

Is this livestreaming right now


This was Day 2

Last day should be starting in a few hours, should be on the same YouTube channel.

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Yeah but what percentage do these players have of themselves?

By a few hours, apparently I meant 10

FT starts now

Jungle mucks, AA goes all-in out of turn, so KK also mucks. Chidwick calls and loses.

I wonder if KK shoves, AA over-shoves (or calls), if Chidwick would have then folded.

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