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From polk in the hs thread:

What the hell is going on in this thread. Someone owes the poker community what is a seriously large amount of money that he STOLE from them. Why is there all of this irrelevant bickering of ethics? When people are scammers (That is what this is fwiw), then they deserved to be outed and feel ashamed of what they have done to the community that has embraced them. Stop attacking the victims and lets try and do something constructive for the greater good of the people owed.

Drug and gambling addict was embraced by the poker community!

Is this on 22? I can’t find anything on there anymore.

Was in the original hs forum thread.

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a pro stalling for a pay jump with a snap call hand for shame

That seems like the only time a small stall is reasonable to me. Plus for his whole stack.

Taking half a million from the prize pool to pay for the ugliest bracelet ever made that will never be worn will forever be the single dumbest aspect of the main event.

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That bracelet is worth $500k? WHAT? I’d sell that thing so fast.


Don’t think they have said this year but it’s normally around that every year.

Here’s my crappy analysis on that Hutchinson QQ vs Maceires AJo river decision:

  1. He basically has to have the As or Ks to make that bet. Maybe Qs.
  2. By pure chips it’s 8M to win 21M. So you only need to be good about 35% of the time.
  3. If you call and win you’re basically even with him and can start playing big stack poker.
  4. If you call and lose you still have 13M, which is playable.
  5. He stabs with no spade 100% of the time there.



The night shift

Folding queens w/ 19 bigs to a 4! can’t be optimal

Ruslan Prydryk is listed as from Lugansk, assuming he’s not a pro Russian stooge (was probably born there but left before the wars?) maybe I’ll be rooting for him.

Prydryk is also close to the Russian word придурок/pridurok which is like a stronger version of jerk/moron, you don’t want to be called that by your moms or wife.

At this point I go full nationalism and root for Jachtmann.

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The name is great.

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And he wins his first shootout table of course

Would be just about right in this timeline for him go win a bracelet

lol my friend busted 26th in the main last night and is playing the 600 daily at Aria today. Tournament grinders are a strange breed


Nothing weird about that.