Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

I buddy of mine cashed 6K in the PLO 3K…not a bad result :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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got this papparzi from the 1500 shootout. i guess everything is a-ok now

I feel like there was something major even before the angle shoot but I’m failing to remember lol

Craziest part of the angle to me was how many pros defended it. It was a lot.

Also there’s this

there’s also a thread on 2p2 of people hating him before the angleshoot happened

he was the players ethical standards representative for the Epic Poker league lul

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I follow more closely than most I think. A lot of the names from my list are semi-notable guys from like 2013 and names I barely recognize. We are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for noteworthy players this year.

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Depending on how many times he bought in.

What are we looking at here?

Daniel Weinman is still in, and a great guy to root for.

From Atlanta, just like me. A longtime Stars grinder before Black Friday, successfully transitioned to live donkaments. Crushes at PLO and NL tournaments. I think he was 2nd place for Player of the Year either last year or the year before.

If any of you grinded NL100-1000 on Stars back in the day, he was notontilt09… eventually made SNE.

Ali imsirovic

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The guy interviewing people wishes he was Tim Dillion

hes got 6 BB left what is he possibly thinking about

this payne dude is a bit overaggressive but he puts people in blenders

play bad, get there, fold anyway

note: I have no idea what I’m talking about

What you’re supposed to do with that stack. He can afford to be wrong, his opponents can’t.

I love real poker for life-changing stakes. This is so good.

I feel like the one area of poker where I’m a natural is big-stack bullying late in a tourney. I always feel like I know exactly what’s going on in every other player’s mind and how to exploit it. My problem is I want to play that way all the time.

I agree…. We all should really do that more often.

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:jp: :jp: :jp:

gg smiling japanese

Kinda poetic justice that Toby Lewis is making a deep run largely off the back of the chips he got off Rigby. He was in the exact seat that Kornuth vacated after gambooling it up with Rigby. If he had had a bit of patience, he probably could’ve picked Rigby apart and maybe that’s him with a stack late in the tourney.

Whelp, now that Yokosawa is gone I think I have no rooting interest left. Everyone I was pulling for quickly went out so I’d like to officially declare that I’m hoping Maurice Hawkins wins this.

Does he owe you money?

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alec torelli a keynote speaker huh