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man I get it but I’d have just clicked that boat back on rigby, he basically never has anything there ever so can’t call a shove

Rigby with the accidental bluff. How does Lewis fold there?

I don’t know either with rigby’s style–he generally has some weak middling hand when he doesn’t fire a big amount. Maybe he just figured he wasn’t calling a big river bet so just fold now, but who knows if rigby does it on the river.

And we have some more rigby horray

that QTo bluff shove was insane

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This guy really annoyed me last year and can’t figure out exactly why when his actions are repeated by half the field.

Maybe because I know the 2nd player really well and actually had a rooting interest this time around.

I dont know anything about Duek other than that run.

Hrabec is suppose to be the top of the top mtt players these days. Im pretty sure hed be ranked much higher than Chance by his peers for example

rigby snap calls fourth pair gj dude he had a set of queens

Did anyone else see on that QQKKK hand on the outer table? It went by too fast and PokerGo rewind sucks on the Roku.

lol. Rigby bets 135k on a 874 flop with 97hh. Continue with another 135k on A turn cause why not and then check and snap calls a 550k bet on a Q river.

I guess he really put him on 9T…

he’s clearly the type where if you don’t show aggression on turn or w/e he doesn’t believe you

ie check turn bet river, or just flat turn bet something on river etc

maybe that’s how the players in his games all play

spades missed as well but for people who are not rigby spade draws hit a’s and q’s so dunno

Pro move by Nikita right there

asking how much is it to line up the chips to send the guy and then suck out the two outer on the river to knock him out is brutal

imagine playing get down under 200 players left and you jam AcKc and lose because someone decided f it with ten seven offsuit

Ax spades and Qx spades never size huge on the river and probably don’t bet all of the time.

Here’s a question. On that recent hand, dude hit his straight on the river, bet half pot (800k) into the guy with TP2K, who tanked and talked about his hand then finally called.

Now let’s just assume the guy did the whole speech, tanked, then shoved (putting you all in for 2M more). Flush is possible. What would you do? Is that strength or weakness? Probably strength right? But imagine it as a bluff.

It would be fun to see it happen one time.

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it’s rigby I totally would with just ax

Crazy hand where A-high flush and 2nd pair are basically the same hand (paired board). But I bet he calls with the flush and would have snap-folded 2nd pair.

I guess he could have a lower flush and be value shoving.

Sick hand. Totally why main is the best poker of the year.

kj hearts for sure possibly j9 hearts

the ace hearts in his hand is only sort of helping, that might be in a bluff range

this is the old you call it’s the other two tens, you fold it’s 78/KJ/etc I thought he was gonna call saying it didn’t make sense but it’s hard to tell in the main blind for those players mean it’s a bluff and who it means they have the goods.

If I call and I’m wrong there I still have 2.8M. I forget about it in an hour.

If I fold and I’m wrong, it haunts my dreams for years.

This is why I’m not a serious poker player. I’d rather die a thousans bad calls than 1 horrendous fold.