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He is is decently skilled lag. He is not one hear some bad lags and maximizes value unlike some bad lags.

nah he’s a spewtard that is running great and benefits from the structure. obv like any spewing maniac he is super entertaining and it’s fun when it works and when people react badly to it. There isn’t really a thing as good LAG.


I think he’s terrible, but extremely entertaining.

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meaning any good tournament player will be extremely aggressive at times when his stack, position and situation dictates it. and very tight when needed. only bad players are “LAG” as some sort of definition.


To be watching at this point requires a paid subscription right?

here Rigby 4b to 850k with QTs against a 2m stack which allows for both minimum folding equity and forces him to call (even though he clearly has no clue what to do after he got shoved on). He is most def not “skilled”

edit - he also opened to 5x preflop to even get in that spot to begin with


Lewis gets the dream seat that Kornuth didn’t want. Very really possibility he goes from 2 to 8-10 million in under an hour.


he looks better today than on his wiki pic

Different haircut did wonders for him.

had a big sweat first tho

wp sir

Really makes you feel like you’re part of history.

Yes it’s on pokergo with the first hour on youtube.

Saying he benefits from the structure is odd as it’s the structure that is letting him play this style. It’s not an accident.

I think saying he is terrible is way off. He is maximizing his ev given the circumstances.

no, it allows for his bad play to have some extreme volatility that worked. how can you watch his hands and think he’s “skilled”? really strange.

He is definitely not “maximizing his ev.” He’s a guy we’ve seen cold call 4b with 32o.

he is now maximizing the time left till dinner break with 7 min tank with A high.

Can he even beat a single hand?

Skilled poker, ladies and gentleman

Rooting even harder against Rigby now.

wow he just folded A7dd to a single raise after getting upset at the person who called clock after 7 mins

very stoic