Poker Hands and Strategy

that sounds super relevant to your game and the your cash game leaks. are you trying to work on your NLH MTT game? that’s a completely different game for reasons I assumed were obvious prior to your post.

other than obviously pointing out that we’re doing the thing where you ask questions and not listen to any of the answers and continue to argue the same thing, i will point out that you have logical failure in your reasoning for your play that is so glaring the only compassionate conclusion is that you are trolling.

you keep mentioning that the reason for your extremely passive play (probably the most passive ‘winning reg’ i’ve ever heard of) is that people in your game are not going to pay you off because reasons.

then you go to LV where not a single soul knows who you are. where people come to lose money and make hero calls to tell their friends at work in the midwest next monday. where people are drunk off their asses trying to recoup their baccarat loses in any means possible. and then you continue to play exactly the same as you do in that magical 2-5 local game of yours.

you have a serious issue with balancing your ‘personality’ and your poker game. the only thing you should do to improve your result is separating the two so you can play winning poker while staying the lone wolf introvert that you are.

[insert narrator joke]

I actually did play more aggressively than I normally do in cash games while in Vegas and had generally poor results.

Many of my differences stem from generally not believing in iso-raising pre.

You make your money from the whales in poker. If you don’t take their money, someone else will and generally they then run out of said money. It is anthetical to anyone who has even seen rounders once to be like “yeah, its not a good idea to play more pots vs whales relative to the rest of the table.”

Short of going all in blind or just punting, your strategy of playing 4-5+ way hands then trying to bluff on later streets is the worst I’ve ever heard for LLSNL/PL

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nearly everything you say in these one liners is nonsense. it also changes every couple of hours. it’s always like ‘my biggest leak is talking too much about socialism at the table’.

at the end of the day i’ve met very few bad players who improved their game by completely forgetting what they knew before. you seem like a very long shot to do so, so just keep playing in the game you beat and stop traveling to vegas unless you are secretly rich and this is just play money

This shit is all solved for LL by 2021. It’s black and white, it’s not Santa Claus. You can’t “not believe in” a winning strategy. You can choose not to evoke it, but then pretending it’s not +ev is silly.

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my first reply was “you shouldn’t have any ‘beliefs’” but i went with the more practical approach of just stop going to vegas and lose 5 figs unless you can easily afford to.

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I’ve made a lot of money trapping people who get tunnel vision chasing after whales. I’ve seen so many capable players spew by playing too many hands against bad players because they overestimated their edge.

I don’t go into hands with the intention of bluffing. I don’t try to blow people off hands preflop or on the flop.

I’m not going to be disheartened because I had an atypically bad trip to Vegas unlike many of my other trips. I generally do well everywhere I go, except Aria for some reason, and my bad results correlate highly with not playing nitty enough.

so play nittier

you ask questions and we’re all sheep who play poker in a way you clearly know is wrong, so why are you asking us? it’s obvious that you have things figured out. you just need to go more NBZ

The key to nitty play is being willing to under-rep your hand and bluff-catch on scare cards. Bluffing does matter, but not so much as some people thing, and the bluffs are more important on the turn and river, sometimes repping slow-playing, than they are on the flop and pre.

That’s my basic theory of how to play like a nit.

that is in no way an answer to my question of why are you asking us (i can’t even imagine what that would be an answer to regardless)

I’m a big nit and play closer to NBZ-style than most people. I’m sure he can make plenty of money in soft games, particularly if people’s mistakes are mostly too loose and aggro.

Some of those plays are just baffling though. Like adjusting your betsizing in the name of balance on a 5-way PLO flop, or mini-raising with good kings on the button after the whole table limps.

I started writing that reply before you edited your post and it only had the first line.

Despite the math, poker still has a strong psychological component. I want to know how people react to certain stimuli. I don’t discuss strategy at the table.

why are you asking us for advice?

I’m not exactly asking for advice. I am asking for a reaction to some thoughts I am having between hands.

I have something percolating in my head about the early levels of a razz tournament that might be more formal and organized than what I’ve been doing.

It’s kinda rude

You think about poker incorrectly. Your general strategy is wrong. Objectively so. It’s not a debate. Poker is solved and you are arguing 2+2=5. You are just wrong.

Poker is not solved.

I think you’re getting confused again about the meaning of GTO.

Poker might be solved for AI bots playing HU. It’s not solved for humans playing exploitable ring games or MTTs. It certainly isn’t solved and might not even be solvable for people playing live games against a range of different characters.