Podcast Thread

Chapo on dead conservative radio hosts was great.


They seem to have successfully gotten back to their roots of late. Lots of reading series, no Amber in sight, no Virgil either, not that I minded him.

Chapo has really found its groove lately with the 3 man pod. Most surprising thing is Felix is mainly driving these episodes and not Matt. He’s in the middle of a 56 game hitting streak.

Anyone know what happened to Amber? Virgil is doing his (not very entertaining) Bad Faith thing obviously, but Amber seems to have disappeared off the face of the Earth, other than releasing that book.

Amber’s working on her book.

Read something about Virgil sexting some young girl some years back.

To be honest, the show has been excellent with the trio on. I wouldn’t want Virgil or Amber back on.

Great 5-4 windmill dunking on Neal Katyal.


The logic in this episode was pretty bad. It is morally ok to defend Bill Cosby but not Nestle? Twisted lawyer crap 100%.

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The book has been released. And yeah Virgil got metoo’d by like a 16 year old, credibly. Still just doing Bad Faith Pod though.

Tried listening to an episode of Bad Faith and it was pretty bad. I don’t recall Virgil saying much of anything. Might as well have not been there.

I didn’t hear any of the behind the scenes stuff with Virgil. My naïve assumption was that he got offered the gig at Bad Faith and that that was going to be near full time and probably paid better than being a 4th or 5 wheel on Chapo.

It’s too bad, he was good on Chapo. He held is own for the most part and had some good on screen chemistry.

Amber didn’t though.

As far as I know, he pretty much disappeared. Not sure if anything happened behind the scenes.

Aw, I was hoping she’d come back.

ETA I checked and it seems like it hasn’t been? It’s up on amazon, but for pre-order, looks like. Set for November.

No lawyer should ever be criticized for taking any criminal case. Every defendant deserves a good defense. The same obviously isn’t true for corporate work.


I’m open to this argument but this doesn’t seem self-evident

Criminal defense lawyers help keep police and prosecutors somewhat honest, to the benefit of marginalized, mostly poor people.

Cranking out appellate briefs in furtherance of literal child slavery does nothing of any value whatsoever.

As law boy eloquently pointed out, Neal Katyal waking up with an 8 figure net worth and choosing to advocate for the absolute worst corporation imaginable is some serious diseased brain shit and we need to shame these assholes like we do Sidney Powell and Cleta Mitchell.


I agree with the last part not the first. The people defending Crosby are exactly the same as the ones defending nestle.

did the shaming work on sidney powell?

now or before his conviction?

So they should be criticized for the objectionable work they do, not their criminal defense work which is intrinsically noble no matter how heinous the crime. Unless you just want to live in a country where the state just points at someone and they go to jail or are executed. If so, you’ve got plenty of options but you should probably move out of Canada.

What purpose does shaming someone for defending heinous criminals serve? Like Jeff Dahmer is a murdering piece of shit, but is his lawyer bad for taking his case?