Podcast Thread

Been listening to Oh No, Ross and Carrie. If you’re into pseudoscience, fringe beliefs and the paranormal, they join these different groups and report back on their experience. Their scientology series is gold.


hmm this sounds fun, will check it out

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Pocketcasts is one of two world-famous things created in Adelaide. The other is Sia Furler.

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Well worth a listen.


Let me know how it works. I still use the Stitcher app to aggregate all my podcasts, but it stopped communicating with my Mazda several updates ago so I have to listen on the default Bluetooth setting now which is a pita.

The Revolutions podcast is excellent, with 500+ episodes. Currently listening to episodes devoted to France from the 1815 fall of Napoleon to the 1830 July Revolution. Has the right level of detail for its scope.


yeah it’s really just off the charts great content. the current season has been dragging on for what feels like YEARS because he’s been moving and had some serious illnesses and been finishing a book AND it’s EVEN LONGER than the french season and I am on the edge of my seat waiting for each new episode to drop


Haitian, French, and Mexican revolutions are all incredible.


Just chiming in with another podcast app - I use the paid version of Podcast Addict on Android and it’s pretty great

Revolutions author on capital mob.

It’s funny, I frequently expect to be annoyed by YWA episodes and rarely am. Usually their takes are good. I liked this episode as a whole, I have a couple bones of contention:

  1. the Ansari incident which I feel like was mischaracterised. Like it’s funny, left wing people are tolerant of any sexual proclivity except when you say “many women actually enjoy being sexually pursued by men, they like it when men push them” and you get massive pushback from women who don’t personally enjoy this. This is a genuinely hard space to navigate. If I had to guess, it seems like Ansari is bad at it, but it’s really not clear from what was published and I certainly don’t think it should have been published.

  2. The Natalie Wynn case, which they mention early on as a canonical example, but when Sarah is asked at the end “how would you speak about this without saying cancel” she’s like “I don’t know”. Well ok, thanks for playing. It’s easy to tear definitions down and hard to create language to replace them. I could do a similar hatchet job on “sexual assault” using Ansari as an example. It’s fine to point out that the definition of cancel culture is overbroad, but if you don’t have language to describe what happened to Natalie I’m not sure it’s useful.

Generally though I think it was good. I agree with the proposition that this is a feature of the internet more than it is a cultural change, but it’s no less real for all that.

I generally agree with your two critiques. I think for Wynn they would say, and I agree, that there was an attempt to “cancel” her but it both failed and such real attempts are exceedingly rare, especially when measured against the hysteria over “cancel culture”.

Yeah, like I would say it failed for both Wynn and Ansari, but it certainly didn’t fail for Justine Sacco and there’s a tendency to be either like “oh well that failed” if it did and “oh well that’s an isolated incident” when it didn’t. The connection between the mob mentality going for both Wynn and Sacco is apparent to me.

It’s hard because I also think there’s a related phenomenon which is associated with the transition of the Democratic Party from an actually left-wing party to a party of educated people with left-wing conceits. I can’t remember where I saw this but the other day I saw it pointed out that you hear left wing people associate themselves with “marginalised”, “excluded”, “downtrodden” people etc, but rarely do they use the word “poor” or any other term which might associate them with people with material crises as opposed to social crises. I think another aspect of what is broadly called “cancel culture” is essentially a form of scolding about manners, it’s a mechanism of exclusion of the lower classes similar to that operating in Victorian times. I think what happened to Sacco and the dehumanisation of poor white people on the grounds that they are racist are broadly related, but it’s hard to draw up a Grand Unified Theory that explains what I’m talking about. It’s this that I’m talking about when I point out that Joe Rogan is persona non grata in the Democratic Party but it’s fine for Hillary Clinton to be pals with Henry Kissinger. It reveals the “rules” to be an exercise in manners rather than relating to the wellbeing of the most vulnerable people in the world.


How did ContraPoints get canceled? Nothing wrong with her videos afaik

Be prepared to be very bored and scrolling through the article to try to find the bad bit.

Cancel culture is perhaps best defined as the tendency to furiously attack people for heterodox viewpoints rather than tolerating what they have to say. That’s a hard thing to define, since sometimes people deserve to be furiously attacked and sometimes tiny numbers of people are doing the attacking and making it look like more people care. I agree with YWA that this is more a feature of the internet than a cultural change, but I also think it sucks and needs to be called out.

Yeah. A whole lot of ‘I don’t give a shit’ material in that article.

I guess I really don’t care about this whole cancel culture thing. I just wanna listen to podcasts.

This is on my B-list of podcasts I listen to when I’m out of essential podcasts.

Recently they had an excellent episode where they interviewed a vaccine skeptic who was on the fence about getting the COVID shot and had her talk with a vaccine expert. Probably worth posting in the COVID thread if you can find it.

You mean this one?

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Carlin just dropped the sixth and final part of Supernova in the East. Almost 6 hours long :smiley:

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I’m eager for him to move on, but this probably means that whatever is next is not too likely to come out this year. I definitely appreciate the scope and comprehensiveness? of Supernova but if I’m being an a-hole about it, this was just too much on this topic. My favorite episode was the first one that gave a nice Carlin-esque recap of modern Japanese history to that time, but the full play by play of the Pacific campaign was just like B+ material. Haven’t listened to the finale yet, so I assume he’s going to at least touch on the fire bombings/atomic bombings again except he’s got like 2-3 shows about that already. Move on Dan.

May I suggest the 30 years war blitz episode?