Podcast Thread

For sure. Other than I think he got a ton more leash than someone in another sector would get due to the “techiness” of crypto and the idea all geniuses are suppose to be weirdos.

Credulous tech reporting by supposed big name biographers/reports is a problem. In the Elon biography Elon recounts that his parents sent him to a summer camp that was extremely rough, so much so that, according to Elon a kid or two died every summer, and the biographer just straight reports it instead of asking why would rich South African families be sending their kids to a place where one of them would die.

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I haven’t read it because the reviews were so bad (maybe I should make a podcast about the book!) but my experience is that Lewis has always been hit and miss. Liar’s Poker and Moneyball are outstanding non-fiction works, and he deserves all the praise for them. The rest of his stuff is fine but not amazing.

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Flashboys, the Big Short, The Undoing Project and The Premonition were all great.

The Premonition is definitely my third favorite book of his. He really successfully told the story of the local public health teams, which was missing from the virulent online discourse which was (justifiably) so focused on the stupidity of anti-vaxxers and Trump.

And it’s not like I disliked those other books, but I’m (perhaps unfairly) grading him on the curve of Extremely Famous Non-Fiction Writer.

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I wouldn’t characterize it like this for anyone who had securities at FTX. Suppose you had 1 bitcoin on FTX. You’re not entitled to that bitcoin. Instead, you’re entitled the bankruptcy-date value of that bitcoin in cash, which was about $17k. If FTX pays every claim in full, you’ll get back $17k in cash, but the bitcoin that you thought you were entitled to is currently trading at about $62k. For me at least, that would feel like a 70% loss and not anything close to a full recovery.



Is the trustee still holding a shit ton of Bitcoin and the appreciation the only reason investors may not lose money?

Or did he liquidate the Bitcoin awhile ago and investors would still likely be made whole even if Bitcoin was trading at $10,000 today?

How exactly would you know there was no polycule?

Unnecessary dig at me btw.

Yes, I believe the reason that investor claims are likely to be paid out in full*** is due to the increase in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, plus investments in things like Anthropic that have increased in value since the bankruptcy date, not because FTX was actually solvent the entire time.

***again, I wouldn’t characterize this as those investors not losing money

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You posted that my hating the pod was good evidence it will be great. Don’t throw stones in a glass house.

As for the pokycule I’ve actually read the book, another book, several articles and listened to a few podcasts and the open love situation has been widely documented but none of it mentions a 10 person polycule. That term doesnt just mean a bunch of 20 somethings sleeping together.

Agree but from what I have read a few of the investments have actually paid off.

But you are right they may lose the expected value of the coins. It’s also just an accident that bitcoin is up.

Still most fraud ends up with investors getting nothing.

too lazy to look. is jordan harbinger in the peterson/rogan/et al podcast spectrum?

thread search brought up nothing

His interview with Desmond Shum was fascinating as a glimpse into the dealings of Chinese political and business elites during the 2000s. I remember Harbinger himself coming off a bit in the mold you describe but not egregiously so.

Any podcast that’s largely interviews that’s predicated on the host being particularly smart or whatever is going to have a tough time pulling me in because of the guys you mention.

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I took a shot at @Effen earlier, misremembering who had insulted me. My apologies to them and I have deleted the post.


I would assume clovis was probably part of the FTX polycule, we can probably AHA.

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I don’t mess with any 20 somethings! Too much drama.

Phil Hendrie has apparently has had a podcast for a few years now and no one bothered to inform me. There are over 3k episodes (!) so he must record the things like every day. It’s a lot of the same characters from his old radio shows, but new material, so if you were a fan of his radio stuff you would probably like it, just search his name on whatever platform you’re on

This week’s On The Media is about the Gore Bush recount and is such a good reminder that the dems are the Washington Generals. So bad at their chosen game it’s laughable.

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Best line from that episode: “the republicans weren’t afraid of looking like hypocrites. They were afraid of losing.”

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100%. This is why they always win.