Podcast Thread

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bangin’ body, hot tamale

Can’t recommend this enough. About how fucked the healthcare system is for women. It is amazing and horrifying.


Thanks, I’ll give this a listen. I always enjoy your recommendations.

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Curious if anyone listens to any of these podcasts.

I hadn’t listened to that specific one for Texas, but I do listen to some other ones that Texas Monthly produced and they’re pretty good.

Matt Christman had some kind of medical emergency and has been in the hospital and Chapo is taking a little hiatus while they figure it out

They said on the podcast announcement that it was “a normal problem that a normal person could have”, which I assume was heading off any speculation of drug involvement or anything like that.

Apparently on his final vlog before it happened he was complaining of a weird pain in his head, so there’s speculation that it is a brain aneurysm or stroke or something, which would make sense as a sudden, severe problem that will require extended recovery. Hope he’s OK.

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An old colleague of mine went home with a headache Thursday didn’t show up for work Friday so they sent the cops. She was dead. 48 years old. Aneurysm. Crazy.

Yea the long road to recovery bit makes me think it’s something brain related.

Stroke seems likely. His daughter is due next week too, just brutal

Good news, Matt is back:


So true, imo.


I need to go back and relisten to The Partially Examined Life

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I don’t know if this is helpful for anyone, but it was for me:

The overcast app has a setting to “delete completed podcasts, but only 24 hours after listening”. I had previously used the “delete completed podcasts immediately upon listening” setting, because that seemed like something a normal person would do. But I often listen to podcasts at night and sometimes fall asleep to them (forgetting to put on a timer). Or accidentally press play on my phone and unknowingly leave it playing for hours. And this would drive me crazy, because I’d realize it had played for hours but not have any idea which podcast episodes had been deleted. Finally, after I complained about this out loud (rather than seething internally), my wife said, “why don’t you use the delete after 24 hours feature?”. And it’s the perfect solution.

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Wow I didn’t know this and same thing happens to me. Thanks!

I use the same feature for Podcast Republic.

Listening to the latest Wall Street Journal podcast, Potomic Watch, episode and hearing them complain about the business lobby is hilarious.

Boring, but amusing to me:

I just watched the latest Mission Impossible this weekend, which meant that I could finally listen to a bunch of MI-related podcasts that I’d saved in Overcast. When I started listening to them, I couldn’t understand why the (shockingly loud) commercials were all in French. Then I realized I had downloaded them while I was in Paris last summer, and I guess I was naive about how pervasive targeted advertising had become.

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Thought this was a pretty good debate with some good points on both sides.