Podcast Thread

When I worked in Hollywood she was by far the most annoying client we had and I’ll never ever forget it.

Which one? And how?

If you like Office Ladies, there’s also a podcast for IASIP. It’s run by the three guys and they have guests on the show. Danny DeVito gonna be on the next episode. Very funny podcast. Also, Charlie is without a doubt the funniest guy on the podcast.

Gotta be Fischer. Ive heard shes not the easiest to work with

I was just wondering if they’d ever have Danny on. I like the podcast although I preferred the earlier ones when they had no clue what they were doing.

Strict Scrutiny episode on the 303 wannabe homophobe case was really good. Worth a listen.

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Just seeing this tweet thread. From a few months ago, but very relevant now.



We need more. Worse than Joan and John Cusack? Worse than Naomi Judd? Dish.

RIP Revolutions

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I’m listening to the appendices right now. Great stuff. Kinda wish he had done the Cuban Revolution too as that would seem to count as a “great revolution” to me.

clearing out some old unheard episodes over the break. The 2nd segment of this OTM episode was fantastic, it’s an interview with Avi Loeb about intelligent life beyond earth. (This is from april 2021, man I have a lot of old gunk in Overcast)

The problem with Chapo Trap House is that when I put in my headphones and hit play and realize that my headphone volume is too high, I have 0.5 seconds to frantically turn the volume down before my eardrums are blown out.

My problem is how much they clearly don’t give a fuck about the show but can’t stop doing it because of how profitable it is relative to the amount of work it takes to do. It’s basically the Cumtown dilemma.

Will cares about the show. Matt cares insofar as he gets to do nerd history stuff like the upcoming 30 years war project as side quests. Felix indeed does not give a fuck.

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That seems accurate. Way over Felix at this point. Also no new Adam Friedland show in weeks, not sure what’s happening there




I think The Secret explains at least 25% of Trump era chaos. It actively encourages people to not accept reality.

This is fun for Maron fans and anyone who’s ever thought of emigrating to Canada.


Don’t think the “Michael and us” podcast has been mentioned, it’s exactly at the intersection of my interests and I think some of you might enjoy it.

the two hosts discuss movies with a leftist view on analysing the politics (or lack of) behind them. The nice thing is that their choice of movies is extremely varied, going from old or new mainstream US stuff (recently : Forrest Gump, the Truman show, …), to more less-known but good political movies, to propaganda of various kind (right-wing, leftist, or even centrist as they apparently watched all the documentaries made by Nancy Pelosi’s daughter).

some interesting analysis but also very fun

(even though most of the current political events discussion is regarding the US, both hosts are Canadian…this also describes ~half of you right ? :smiley: )


Forrest Gump episode was a good listen.

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The latest If Books Could Kill made me laugh out loud several times, which is pretty awkward since I was listening to it while at the gym

It’s on Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, a book I’d never read but had heard mentioned at some point in my life. They skewer it and the author pretty solidly.