Plastic straw bans

That is a big help for sure. I end up buying heaps of stuff secondhand due to budget and that makes life a lot easier decision wise.

And as I mentioned somewhere in another thread, rich people just buy a shitload of stuff. Buying bamboo flooring is cool and all, but if you need a whole bamboo forest to put flooring in your mansion, it’s not all that great.

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A problem for me is deciding what to buy on vegetables and fruits in the supermarket. We dont have a real market here where you can buy fresh stuff so you have to rely on our super cheap discounters. So I can bell peppers from spain that I can put into my reusable net or I can buy organic bell peppers in a plastic pag also from Spain. In recent month they at least abandoned the organic cucumbers wrapped in plastic. A lot of the organic stuff you always find in some kind of plastic containment like tomatoes compared to the normal stuff. But at the moment a lot of the stuff comes from Spain with questionable production methods.

Are you in Europe?


We have similar issues in Australia with packaging.

When I was a kid I asked my one of my teachers “what if everyone in the world picked up one piece of trash a day? That would be 6 billion pieces of trash each day!”

She just nodded her head, I guess she didnt want to break my heart.


Spent a fair amount of yesterday in an area of SF with very high concentration of homeless (the Tenderloin). It’s dirty, smelly, full of trash despite some regular efforts to keep it clean and all because of a group of people with relatively tiny ecological footprints have to live surrounded by maybe one day’s worth of their waste.