What’s the effect of the ban going to be? How much plastic is it going to remove from the waste stream? I’m probably more interested in converting throw-away plastic shit into more bio-degradable throw-away shit like those 6-pack rings. The problem is that anything that is going to make a difference is going to run into the same resistance. If you can’t get people to give up a damn straw how are you going to get them to stop using plastic bottles or styrofoam?
Per bag? What if you use the bag 50 times? 100 times?
(I just went to the store, got three items and juggled them out - no bag at all)
Starbucks has a new strawless lid for iced drinks that I actually much prefer to the old one with straw. I got annoyed the other day when I got an old lid and had to find a straw, remove the wrapper, then insert it. Inefficient, wasteful, stupid.
And I expect so will every rightwing fuckhead who’s shared lol straw nazi memes. The fact that they ever opposed straw bans will go right down the memory garbage disposal with every other common sense environmental regulation they virulently fought against.
Straws are stupid and 99.4% of people who use them are also stupid.
I support paper straws because they trigger the asswipes who whine about incandescent light bulbs being banned. Doesn’t matter how useful they actually are.
Plastic vs paper straws is a false dichotomy. I’ve been using the same metal straw in my car for a few years now. Zero complaints.
I’d say it’s more of a straw man argument.
real men don’t use straws
check mate conservatards
If you’re going to make a law banning something for something else–you have to make sure it’s not significantly worse than the product being currently used.
Yeah, I can’t see how reusable cloth or nylon bags are not better than plastic. Some of ours have been in use for many years and likely have many years to go. We will likely get 200-300 uses out of them.
Maybe my sarcasm detector is busted, but yes.
Nah, I’m just a miserable humorless fuckface lately.
That was a joke
I love Johnny rage
Cloth bags last years and years. I have 20 year old bags that I still use and once they completely cark it they can be composted. No brainer that they’re better than single use bags.
A bit different given a straw is a product people use versus things like “I’d like not to breath in smoke in public”
as noted, in plastic waste terms, straws seem pretty low compared to all the other shit that hasn’t really been addressed yet.
And the fuss some make at plastic straws doesn’t bode well for that serious stuff
I’m about to pull the trigger on no beef or pork except for very special occasions, like when it’s free.
This is not an argument. Why do people keep repeating this like it’s an argument.
Yes we should ban plastic straws
But we shouldn’t do this until a majority understand climate change.
Smash other things climate change is fucking up before we mess with plastic straws. But plastic straws is on the list.
I mean I see you are on team WAAF like I am. I think banning plastic straws makes huge climate change less likely before it is too late. Which is already unlikely. Team WAAF
I had a paper straw at a pub the other day. It wasn’t as good as a plastic one, but it did the job fine. Don’t be a baby.