Pitch us your favorite novel

I’ve heard this is one of the best books you’ll ever read.

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Just finished this last week

Can conifirm

I told my wife this book is one of those books I’ll remember 25 years from now. It’s not exciting like the expanse or doesn’t hook you like a good detective novel

But man. This books just sinks its roots into you and you are changed.

Yeah, it’s incredible.

I should read more of them, I love noir films but have only stuck to a few novelists.

I’ve probably re-read James Ellroy more than anyone else ever, he’s gobsmacking. I love Ian Rankin, and I read all the Bosch novels about 6 or 7 years ago. Then a few years back I read a bunch of the Richard Stark ‘Parker’ books which were great, just crime pulp but incredibly enjoyable. I should get back on those.

Oh, and David Peace, I’ve been meaning to re-read the Red Riding books for years.

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