On Welfare, And The People Who Receive It

You said the majority here would be triggered by your situation, I’m just wondering why you think that.

I imagine the prevailing view is you have more productive workers by treating them better. If you think treating workers more fairly and providing more benefits reduces productivity then ok …

This is definitely not the prevailing attitude anywhere that I worked. In my experience companies attempt to treat workers well because turnover has a cost. Productivity is driven by real and perceived incentives or, where that doesn’t work, browbeating.

Should have clarified, I meant among forum members.

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I don’t think that word means what you think it means.


Forum members are an order of magnitude more progressive minded than most of the numbskulls in senior management positions.

The place I’ve worked for the past 5+ years does anonymous quarterly surveys of staff satisfaction and just can’t understand why people are so miserable. Can’t be anything to do with being bullied and threatened via the “performance review system” (aka reward-your-mates), oh no. Let’s all spend a whole day white-boarding ideas on why we aren’t happier (aka see who the trouble makers are). It’s ok because you’re all “psychologically safe” to speak your mind. LOL


Triggers cause negative psychological responses in those who have experienced severe emotional trauma in their past. A lack of vacation days in jobs don’t cause traumatic damage that can be triggered by bragging about labor rights.

At a prior job my big bank employer hired Boston Consulting to do an unbelievably expensive “360 review.” My group, in which literally every person working for my manager was miserable solely because of that manager, absolutely trashed the guy. He was an incompetent bully, very similar to Trump, with internal political protection for reasons nobody understood. Anyway, we take a survey and review the results as a group. Questions like “I trust my manager,” “My manager cares about me” etc, the dude gets unanimous “1” ratings on a “1-10” scale. The report even shared some comments, which were brutal. Oh this guy was a massive misogynist and creepy touching guy.

Anyway, the big review meeting was done with the guy in the room with us. Of course nobody says anything to the guy’s face because he can and will fire those people. After the meeting, consultants decide that since nobody said anything in our meeting, no problems in our group. Every decent contributor quit within 90 days.

LOL consultants.


The internet co-opted the word and now uses it to basically mean anything that can make people angry.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter. Me spending (most of) my summer not working and being paid for it isn’t going to make anybody here relive their shitty high school jobs where they got paid minimum wage to work at McDonald’s.

What on earth are you talking about?


I think she’s claiming that we’re lazy for wanting the benefits without working hard enough to deserve them.

At least I think so. I mean bragging about having employee benefits is like a guy thinking that everybody envies his 4 inch penis.

If you get 30 days paid leave in the US you’re more like Warren Beatty c.1970 than a guy who thinks his small cock is impressive.

But that’s a Euro perspective. To paraphrase wil on 22 when I said how much I was looking forward to a holiday in Italy, wanting to take holidays is for unambitious wimps.

How come you keep talking about working 80 hour weeks? Is that what it takes to keep your company competitive? The ability to come and go as you please isn’t worth much imo if you’re regularly cranking out 80 hours.

Sounds like they rooted our the troublemakers and got them to quit.

Management consulting is fun!

The consultants did what they were hired to do… rubber stamp the stupid shit management had already decided to do. When his team crashed into the side of the mountain a year or two later in some big/expensive way the people ultimately responsible got to blame the consultants.

What is worse?

What “treatments”?

You can’t save outside the government system?

You would pay almost 50% in taxes here if you lived in a state with state taxes here you know.

Making what she’d make on the coasts you’re absolutely right.

Forum is rustled constantly at Z’s posts.
Z predicts rustling for one post that won’t.
Rustling ensues.