**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Ya I was just looking at this site. I am surprised there don’t seem to be games with 75% win rates given how easy some seem.

Looks like this might be easiest game.

Let’s just say you’re not usually getting Jeopardy contestants on this show.

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How the heck is the win rate for 3 strikes over 30%?

That is BY FAR the hardest game. Even if you know the price of the car exactly, the odds are still under 50% just by pure luck.


I always thought Golden Road was the hardest, but yeah, Three Strikes is brutal.

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The other weird thing I’ve noticed is sometimes they announce the product without saying the brand. I watched one recently which was using an iPad for the contestant row part but they never said Apple or iPad. Just tablet. The whole point of the show is marketing for the brands so I don’t get why they don’t say them so often. Noticed same thing when they say soup and not Campbells soup for example.

I noticed that in more recent shows (not that I’ve seen many, Drew Carey is just awful as host). I suspect it was done to cut down on time — I remember for grocery item games like Bullseye and Hi-Lo, the ad copy reads before they started the game felt like they took forever.


Good point, though at least you come away with something if you’re not a complete idiot. The first prize is a gimme, and the second one is usually a coin flip at worst.

Plus if you actually know the prices for sure for some reason, you win.

With 3 Strikes, you’re not guaranteed anything, even with perfect play. I guess Plinko is similar that way, but the odds of getting five chips in the zero spot are orders of magnitude lower than the odds of leaving the last strike in the bag.


The putting one is like this too. Can be a pricing genius and still be close to drawing dead.

Thought about including that one, but if I recall correctly, at least you get $1000 cash or something if you get all of the items in the proper order.

The other thing I was wondering about is how do people get these cars back to their home state and then cover the taxes? I bet some massive percentage are just sold.

You think Hole in One is bad, try playing skeeball for a car: (need to cut and paste the link, the !s are part of the link but the software won’t recognize them)


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They have to pay taxes upfront. A lot of people just abandon their prizes.

Link should work now.

And yeah, that’s brutal. I had completely forgotten about that game.

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What really? So you need to cough up like 8k on the spot to take the car you just won?

Pretty much, yeah…state taxes, anyway.

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I applaud your attempt at absurdist humour wrt defending self-drive’s bugs by comparing it to the worst ever celebrity driver.

Clearly in most simple or standard situations self-drive will be superior to an average human who can make errors, be distracted or suffer from tiredness, road rage etc, but on the other hand people tend not to play dodgems by swerving around semi-trucks on the highway or play chicken with oncoming trains.

The online reputation SEO extortion scam. A couple of people have set up websites that aggregate bad information about people and then advertise services to remove the content

Three months after my experiment started, my search results were suffering the consequences. Bing helpfully recommended adding “loser” to a search for “Aaron Krolik.” When you Googled my name, Cheaters.news was at the top of the image results.

I can see why some posters would prefer self driving cars so as not to speed into car parks & let the pedestrians cross in peace without having to get out and confront her you can just say “Bots Man”


Sorry couldn’t help myself…


I’ll try and get a picture of this house near my parents place. They have a sign that is shaped like a gravestone and says “here lies the last dog that went on our grass.” When I saw that I pulled my dog away like okay some psycho lives here that likes threatening to kill dogs for their owners unawareness, and then I see the owner walking back to the house with their own dog! Now I’m wondering where they let their dog shit and piss and why their lawn shouldn’t be used while their dog goes somewhere else

A priest, a nun, a rabbi, a Viking, a pair of fourteen year-old redheaded twin girls, a quart of ninety weight gear oil, a German shepherd and a Canadian walk into a bar.

Needless to say, this joke is incomplete. But I will let you folks know when I finish it. It’s gonna be a real kneeslapper.