**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread


Religion is just insane.

My mom is having heart surgery tomorrow so she wanted a blessing from her Mormon bishop. They arenā€™t allowed to do a blessing over zoom but can do a prayer.

God has some weird ass technology preferences.

Iā€™ll never understand how people can believe this stuff.


bible says i COULD make a special exception and do a zoom blessing but thatā€™s only for people who donate an extra $20 this week. corinthians 22;14


I assume a blessing requires a physical laying on of hands.

Hmm, must be. I think Iā€™ll go bless myself right now.


I think my local hardware store is trolling the NBA token gang?

Also I might buy that plant


I guess Iā€™m old now, but the prospect of following a hardware store on Insta makes me mad. Why would any actual human person do this.


Trying to read between the lines here because LA Times says ā€œlol no context 4 uā€. Was the lawsuit something along the lines of saying they canā€™t clear public land encampments because the people have nowhere else to go? I need one of you LA peeps to fill in the details for me. Iā€™m not understanding how a judge can order something like this, although itā€™s pretty awesome if it holds up.

Garcetti has made ending the homeless problem his #1 priority. Heā€™s got temp-structure ā€œcitiesā€ all over LA. But you canā€™t do drugs in them. So external homeless encampments spring up all around them where a lot of the people go back and forth so they can do drugs in the outlying camps.

The idea is to eventually get people into real temporary housing, with vouchers, and eventually fully back on their feet. The success rate for that is something very low like 8%, and if you divide the budget by successes - each success has cost $90k or something. But still - 8% isnā€™t bad if you really helped those people back on their feet.

So the idea right now (I think) is you canā€™t kick people out unless you provide them shelter. Iā€™m assuming this means the new homeless cities, or something else comparable. There were like 75 people camped out in Echo Park. There was some kind of big negotiation about where they could go. They kicked them out, but (I think) found a bunch of them shelter, then kicked out the rest who wouldnā€™t budge.


Are they offering mental health and drug addiction services? If so thatā€™s super commendable.

Does this mean Zoom is a no go for blessings, but Pornhub is ok?

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You donā€™t understand why people want simple solutions to complex problems?


I mean itā€™s impossible to actually deliver IRL. Homelessness is a national problem. Unless LA single handedly provides enough homeless shelters to provide for every homeless person in America homeless services are like the field of dreamsā€¦ if you build it more will come.

Homelessness canā€™t be dealt with on a state or local level unless somehow every single state/locality agreed to build real homelessness services, which is not going to happen lol. Itā€™s a standard tragedy of the commons situation.

Basically homelessness as a problem isnā€™t getting better until we have a real social safety net full stop. That court order isnā€™t worth anything.

Unfathomably popular songwriter dies

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The things you are complaining about are IMO what separates ā€œreligionā€ (bad) from ā€œspiritualityā€ (good). This is how I think about it but I am by no means a scholar in this topic.

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Canseco is absolutely insane and I love it.

Outside of Ken Jennings, he has the best reddit AMA of all-time.


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