**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread




got a sales lead with SAP (market cap: $145 Billion), get on the call with the contact, turns out he’s an intern writing a masters thesis on open source software and essentially wants me to do his homework for him for free


I spoke to a german guy writing a masters thesis about online legal portals, because i support education and helping people. That said, it wasn’t under any false pretense.






That’s it… A big fancy bowl of Ice Cream (All flavour welcome, any flavour I don’t like, that’s what I’ll leave) with all the sweets on it, m&m’s, chocolate peanuts, strawberry syrup, raspberry syrup, thousands and thousands and pile that shit on.

It’s ever better when it all melts at the bottom :smirk:

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You gotta get on those Glengarry leads.


Anyone disc golf regularly?

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Today in narcissism.

Just tax these assholes and use the money to make college free. These people are so insufferable.


There’s a course a few blocks from my house so I play a decent amount. I suck though and just have a few discs from my dad. I really need to research all the disc options, I play with a guy who’s drives float forever while mine go out and dive pretty quickly.

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I’ve played off and on for years but have already went 10+ times this year. Having a lot of fun trying to get better. I’m shoot 7ish over par usually. I just placed an Innova order for 5 new discs this morning.

picked it up last July

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Real golf is more fun :slight_smile:

Disc golf is ok. Played a few times. I have a set of driver/iron/putter frisbees somewhere.



I enjoy real golf too, but walking around the park, drinking beers, and throwing discs with the buddies for free is hard to beat.

my girlfriend and I have basically made disc golf our escape activity during covid. we go 3+ times a week. when we went to Texas for new years we basically played at every point we could, stopping one time in the florida panhandle, one time in baton Rouge and one time in Houston. we play about 3x a week.

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Most infuriating thing is that headline, which uses “USC” and “UofSC” within 5 words of each other to reference the same thing.


That’s like when people mix camel casing and snake casing in the same bits of code, drives me absolutely insane.

Try it without the discs sometime, just as much fun and much easier.

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I got semi obsessed with this. It’s pretty clear what’s happening here.

Middle (Anthem) is a fancy subdivision (partially filled in by streetview = blue) which wants nothing to do with the townie meth-heads that surround them.

Here are the two houses in question. They literally just built a wall around the whole subdivision.

This is the house on the wrong side of the tracks in question. Notice the sweet early 80s Cordoba or whatever with multiple primer tones.

These poor people on the right really got the shaft - Can I please go to the highway? NO! You will drive all the way around and like it mister!

Anthem is an unincorporated master planned community in north central Maricopa County. It was founded by Del Webb in 1999 and initially built out in 2008; a new development recently added 202 homes to the community.

It was awarded “Best Master Planned Community” in 2001, named one of Phoenix Magazine’s “Best Family Friendly Neighborhoods” in 2012 and awarded “Best Master Planned Community for Children” in 2016.

Not gonna win awards like that if you let local tweakers drive their junkers through your streets willy nilly.

Anthem is called a “master planned community” because it is self-contained and self-sustaining, allowing residents to share common resources and contribute to the common good of the community and region. Del Webb’s design philosophy can be seen in every detail of Anthem’s design plan, from the width of streets to the type of landscaping options, high number of recreational amenities to pre-set purposes of commercial plazas. After initial buildout, governance of the community was turned over to an executive staff and homeowner-led Board to carry Del Webb’s master plan forward.

Yes I can see lots of contributing to the common good of the region going on here.





Yeah I played a ton in college living in Isla Vista with my roommates and friends. We would bike to the local 9 hole course and play with like 10 people 3-5x a week. Also in San Diego I play at Morley Field in Balboa Park which is a super nicely maintained course and is one of the busiest in the world. On a good day there I can shoot par but I probably average a +3. The course I learned on is short with a right bend in almost every hole, so I tee off and throw most shots side arm, which is a little weird but I’m pretty deadly on certain shots. Also my friends and I strongly discouraged everyone we knew from using multiple discs so I just have an innova distance driver and a shorter range one that I use as a putter.

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