**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I don’t think he does “amused”.

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This is the crux, I think. I can just grant you that they had no other choice and that that was nothing to do with their previous actions, you still can’t base a moral justification on, “we had to do something” or “the other guys are worse.”

Those both apply to Afghanistan right now, but I think we both likely agree the US should pull out.

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Wait, a „bunch of teachers in Alberta came together“ and didn’t know the difference between „to“ and „too“?



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Never been to Alberta, huh?

Can someone explain the latest Coke republican whatever this is. As far as I can tell Coke put out a statement supporting voting rights or something and now all the Republicans are boycotting Coke like is that for real? Is that all this is and now their canceling Coke?

Wookie answered my question below thanks! So it’s just as dumb as I thought

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You’ve got it right.

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Except for Trump. #fakeboycott

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I dont think the Republicans have ever successfully boycotted something. They either say they are but won’t , or just buy extra product to burn/destroy.


Correct. If one of them likes Coke, they will make a big show of saying they’ll NEVER BUY A COKE AGAIN OMG but do you think for a minute they’d ever give up something they want?

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Al Qaeda hostage is held in solitary and finally gets a cellmate only to turn out to despise him (with good reason).

Three months in, his captors threw into his cell a Long Island miscreant named Matthew Schrier, who had done time in the United States and come to Syria as a photojournalist. (Al-Qaeda believed that he was a photojournalist, not a spy, because unlike Padnos, Schrier had a business card identifying himself as a member of the press. Note to self: Order more business cards.) Padnos, bloody and lice-ridden, must have longed for companionship. Readers of the memoirs written after captivity in Lebanon will understand why. The Northern Irishman Brian Keenan’s An Evil Cradling (probably the one most worth revisiting today) details movingly his situational friendship with fellow hostage John McCarthy, a British national.

Schrier and Padnos achieved no such rapport. Instead their relationship was existential torture. They rapidly found out just how different two men can be. Padnos, a cultured polyglot, had packed his middle-aged head with poetry. Schrier, by contrast, had memorized more than a dozen of his own violent, unproduced screenplays, and acted them out, one by one, for Padnos. “They were full of people being beaten and shot,” Padnos writes. “I couldn’t bear to listen. As he recited, I stuffed my fingers in my ears.” (Schrier has written a hostage memoir too—the only one I have read that is almost wholly lacking introspection. It is filled with hate for Padnos, and gleefully vulgar. He describes meeting Padnos: “Are you a fag?” Schrier asks, as an attempt to “break the ice.”)


You do if they’re less capable of evil at scale than your enemies.

Sometimes it does.

Ronald Reagan sure thought so.

Seems like anyone from any generation describing you as typical would be making a huge mistake, but that’s what we love about you.

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Jesus, what an insane life Hunter Biden has lived:

Cliffs ldo


Can’t do it justice, you’ve probably heard of most of the big picture salacious stuff but getting the details straight from him for 1.5 hrs takes it to another level.

Like just casually mentions that he was having a relationship a few years ago w/ a homeless woman for 6 months while high on crack the whole time.

Hunter says he has been sober for two years but the whole time Marc is like I’m still concerned about you man, like really concerned. Keeps repeating to Hunter that I could tell your writing really got excited when you were writing about crack because you are clearly a man who loves crack, lol.

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