**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Gorsuch, Barrett, and to a lesser extent Kavanaugh and Roberts were pretty solidly exposed to academic mileaus. They know their shit will get picked over a lot. They’ll do crazy stuff, often with bad intellectual justifications, but I don’t think they want to alienate the entire legal intellectual class. They will most likely play the game by established rules. Thomas and Alito, otoh, are just feral. They will throw anything at the wall given whatever current preference the right has. They are Fox news on the bench.




Probably, and also:



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Interestingly this dude clerked for Earl Warren and was a judge (UT Supreme Court) himself for a long time.

Anyone have any idea about what his rulings were like.

I am currently fascinated by a collection of random photo spheres on google maps, most of them badly stitched together, all of them very incorrectly located around the Gulf of Guinea. It’s like a surreal art project commenting on our fractured world.



More people should know about the Black Liberation Army.

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got to agree with my man Barry:

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Lol this is a great troll of people scrolling on mobile





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Wait, the CIA just tweets that on their own? Is that stupidity, an FU to everyone, or were they hacked?

early reply



It’s timely as there’s some signs Al Qaeda in Syria are poised to have a PR push in the US.

James Jeffrey, who served as a U.S. ambassador under both Republican and Democrat administrations and most recently as special representative for Syria engagement and special envoy to the global coalition to defeat ISIS during the Trump administration, told Smith that Jolani’s organization was “an asset” to America’s strategy in Idlib.

“They are the least bad option of the various options on Idlib, and Idlib is one of the most important places in Syria, which is one of the most important places right now in the Middle East,” Jeffrey said in an interview on March 8.

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It isn’t classified any more and they’re prob proud of it.

It’s widely known, there was a movie made about it. Pretty good movie, actually, although Tom Hanks was terribly miscast as Charlie Wilson.

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We are the baddies. For those who don’t follow (and imo anyway) Idlib is in Northern Syria and there have been battles there involving Turkey. The struggle is between Turkey with ISIS/Al Queda as allies, the Syrian government in Damascus, and The Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (Rojava). The US is most closely allied with Turkey.

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Yeah, it just seems like they would have sense not to brag about it, but maybe they’re right and so few people make the connection between the Mujahadeen and Al Queda that it’s not worth thinking about? Rubs me as a bit of a FU though.

Agent A: Maybe we shouldn’t brag about creating Al Queda?

Agent B: Who cares? Buncha commie hippies? Fuck them.

It’s an endzone dance from the intelligence deep state. Yeah we created and funded al quaeda. What are you gonna do about it?


I mean, I don’t think the CIA supporting the Mujahadeen was wrong. The Soviet war in Afghanistan was a monstrous atrocity and the people fighting them were in the right. Admittedly there were some unfortunate side effects.

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