**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

The LDS Church controls every lever of politics that matters in Utah, Wyoming, and Idaho (not in the sense that they can give them orders, but in the sense that if you piss them off in any of those states you do not get reelected). They are substantially more unified and consequently important than any other individual denomination in the US.

I 1000% guarantee that close to 100% of the LDS faithful consider themselves LDS first and whatever political affiliation they are several standard deviations less than that.

The mormons are serious people and not to be fucked with. If they press the exit button on the GOP the three states I mentioned flip entirely from the GOP to the Democrats.

Theyā€™ve got a long history of changing with the times too. Itā€™s built right into the churchā€™s DNA.


Iā€™m hoping you have your burner twitter accounts running, giving out the message to leave the GOP as a god fairing Mormon or something. :grin:

LOL Iā€™m not a Mormon and never was. I do however do a lot of business with them and know a few pretty well. As religious people go itā€™s as good as youā€™re going to get. Even if a Mormon hay shipper tried to rip me off once. At least itā€™s not like the people who name their businesses something religiousā€¦ those people are ALWAYS scumbags. If Iā€™m doing business with Jesus Trucking the guy Iā€™m talking to better be a hispanic dude named Jesus.


So? Get on those twitters, give out THE MESSAGE :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Theyā€™re a very specific subculture. I couldnā€™t fake it any more than I could fake being Scottish lol.

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Huge bummer. I got the popcorn ready and everything.

I donā€™t suppose there is a verbatim transcript of these comments somewhere.

My family is all Mormon on one side.

The church own huge amounts of land in all those states.

If you ever get a chance to check out a temple before itā€™s consecrated do it. Itā€™s pretty amazing.

being awfully mean to one side of the family



Happy autocorrect accident. Or maybe apple are secret atheists.

I found this interesting, especially from the authorā€™s perspective

Gates has been buying land like itā€™s going out of style. He now owns more farmland than my entire Native American nation.

In total, Gates owns approximately 242,000 acres of farmland with assets totaling more than $690m. To put that into perspective, thatā€™s nearly the size of Hong Kong and twice the acreage of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, where Iā€™m an enrolled member. A white man owns more farmland than my entire Native nation!

Billionaire philanthropists like Gates hold a form of emotional blackmail over us, where if we dare to criticise them weā€™re met with the riposte of ā€œBut look at all the good heā€™s doing in xyzā€.

I call it the Geldof Syndrome.


Summary with quotes here:

Speech video:

I had thought Oaks was speaking last and would have had more weight then, but as NotBruceZ said, Nelson is The Prophet, and that spot is his.

God is infallible. Devil is not, sorry.

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Google wins Google v. Oracle 6-2, important copyright fair use case.

BREYER, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which ROBERTS, C. J., and SOTOMAYOR, KAGAN, GORSUCH, and KAVANAUGH, JJ., joined. THOMAS, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which ALITO, J., joined. BARRETT, J., took no part in the consideration or decision of the case.

Yea the consequences of that, if it went oracleā€™s way, would not be good.

My Twitter feed indicates lol Thomas wrote a batshit insane opinion but itā€™s Masters Week, ainā€™t nobody got time to read that shit.

I mean, itā€™s kinda my job to read it, but itā€™s Thomas and Alito so no one cares (so not gonna read it).

edit: Iā€™m just imagining someone quoting from Thomasā€™ dissent in an actual case. The response would be somewhere between a chuckle and laughter.

Kavanaugh has been pleasantly surprising on a lot of major decisions but I just know heā€™s gonna make up for it eventually and do something horrible