**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I think it’s impossible to over-estimate the impact shows like Friends and Seinfeld have had on the social behavior of young adults. And stuff like Leave to Beaver a few generations before them.

Sex is one of the few parts of life where we still have no idea how to behave. It’s one of the few times you get open communication that hasn’t been colored by a Hollywood writer’s idea of how a certain class of people should act. Cheesy love scenes in R-rated movies and stuff like Sex and the City definitely don’t count.

As someone who has essentially never used Facebook dealing with a lot of you people who have.


And fuck if COVID hasn’t amplified this. We’ve all been streaming TV for the past year.

Deja Vu. I’m not posting the Rojava post again.

Ok, nvm, I will.

Lots of free porn in the internet age for young people to model their sexual behavior on. The incels have some weird ideas about what women should be open to doing.

Uh, that’s what’s happened under our current system.

Well porn is ubiquitous now and I think definitely affecting people’s behaviour in sex. I can’t remember who it was, but I remember reading someone say years ago that pillow talk was the only honest communication left, because it doesn’t get modelled in media. Like perhaps in arthouse films, but in mass media you get plenty of sex scenes, then it’s either cut to morning or it’s some tongue-in-cheek cigarette smoking scene. The quote stuck with me because what he said got me thinking about how often people are just playing out stories or being performative in their intimate relationships.

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I think we are in the same field. I have recently have had this same realization. Im aiming higher then Walmart greeter. My hope is the local lumberyard takes pity on me and gives me a job at the front desk. I am in the Pacific Northwest so the real retirement dream is to become some sort of “water intrusion consultant.”

Home inspector is a pretty sweet gig where you don’t really have to know anything at all and you’re never liable for being wrong. Impossible field to break into in many states though without inside connections.

In CA I think there’s a license and no barrier to break in, but like anything you don’t automatically get business. Knowing realtors is how you get business. Same thing with appraisal though (which I did for years). Not that hard to break into.

City inspector can be a pretty easy gig.

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Given all you’ve done for this site, I always assumed you were proficient at coding. Is that not an option? The physical condition requirements are pretty minimal.

It might have been me - I’ve thought that forever and posted it on on 22.

I’m not that convinced porn has anywhere near the effect on sexual behavior as Friends does on social behavior.

In a lot of states the only way to get a license is to apprentice under an existing inspector, and obviously none of them want to train their future competition. So scarcity, high costs and incompetence become entrenched.

First, I didn’t write any of the Discourse code. I just installed the software and co-configured it with ggoreo.

Second, I was kinda hoping that instead of coding or greeting Walmart shoppers or running around Amazon warehouses I could instead spend my old age being, you know, retired.

As an old person who will have to work, the physical aspects of coding, sitting on my ass and repetitive stress on my wrist, are a strong disincentive.

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Porn isn’t the problem. Sex education is the problem.

People don’t die everyday trying to replicate the car chases in the Fast and the Furious because we openly talk about normal car rules and norms.

If we did the same with sex, porn would be understood as what it is, Kabuki theatre.


Yes they do.




I don’t think this is true. Show your work.

Sure it happens in very rare cases but people don’t look to FAF as a model for how to drive like they do with porn.