**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I thought it must be a new menu item and since I haven’t had KFC in forever, meh. Guess not though.

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People are so dumb. Same thing around here - In-n-Out, Chick-fil-A - always a huge line. You can get an extremely comparable chicken sandwich and burger at Wendy’s - no line. But Wendy’s isn’t a special destination.


We’ve hit peak America.


I don’t think I’ve seen a worse take


Peak America is the cops swinging their sticks when more people show up.

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There isn’t a sandwich you can buy in your car that is 12 hours better than any on the menu at Wendy’s.

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I prefer Wendy’s spicy chicken sandwich to Chik Fil A. I know Wendy’s is not cool at all. But go try one sometime. They’re good. I’ve never tried Popeyes.

I like Wendy’s burgers a lot too. I’d put In-n-Out a little higher. But if you combine fries - Wendy’s wins easily. And fuck if I’m waiting 1 hour+ for In-n-Out.

Why thank you sir for that information related to a subject no one was talking about while taking things waaaaay too seriously.

It’s Fast Food bro, wake up.

Sir this is a wendy’s


Yeah it had to be opening. People are dumb.

The Habit blows In-n-Out away. But it’s a little more in the casual dining realm.

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Spicy Chicken blows the doors off of Chik-Fil-A’s sandwich game. I will fight you with knives if you disagree.

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I demand an interview with whoever conceived of and proposed this.

IME, fast food tends to be location dependent. For instance, every Wendy’s I’ve been to in Texas barely runs and the food isn’t cooked right, while it’s fine just over the border in Louisiana.

At only the black people.


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and protestors.

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Chick-fil-a near me routinely has probably 25 cars in the drive through for hours at a time but it’s still at most a fifteen minute wait.

The only time I ever went to in and out burger it was because I was on a trip to California with a coworker who raved about it (she was from there). We waited a half hour and when we started eating I was all has this been like a years-long practical joke? Its just a burger, like suzzer says I don’t even know if it’s better than Wendy’s.