**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I say own it, you’re infallible!

The Vatican said it was seeking explanations from Instagram after Pope Francis’s official account liked a photo of a scantily dressed Brazilian model.


This is what the young people call “getting horny on main,” I believe.


He was looking for the “button” to push to accept the call, right?

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The company I was at a couple of years ago hired some recent grads. As part of training we had to explain what a dial tone was, as a couple of them claimed to have never used a landline. I was skeptical and thought they must be pulling my leg, but in the end they seemed sincerely too unaware to pull off that type of ruse.

I can’t remember the last time I used a rotary phone. Had to be at least 25 years ago. The house I grew up in until I was 10 had one but the house we moved to had a fancy push-button phone.

Lots of kids probably haven’t seen a rotary phone in their life.

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I dont have alot of sympathy for the woman problems of MICHELE OBAMA’S HUSBAND.

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This is like Mitt trying to be relatable by telling a story about being short on cash once upon a time.


As a kid we had to be connected through an operator (our neighbour who ran the post office/servo). We lived out in the middle of nowhere, literally the back of Bourke. I was obsessed with the whole setup and used to beg to be able to do it. I’m pretty sure people found it amusing being put through on their call by a 3/4 year old, especially because I insisted on being very professional and mimicking what our neighbour said exactly!


Why is it that remembering birthdays is considered a woman’s job? I end up texting my brothers to make sure they remember peoples birthdays but if they didn’t ring nobody would bat an eyelid yet if I forgot it would be the end of civilisation as we know it. Very annoying double standard.


Women have a glue-like property that holds the fabric of societies and families together.

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Just one big tent for the ruling class, they don’t care about a D or R next to your name because they pay both of their salaries





Yup that’s how it works. The Boondocks pointed it out a long time ago

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This is a very good article. It felt too short, though. His conclusions were spot-on but he could have taken us further down the nostalgia rabbit hole if he’d wanted to with this piece.

I think everyone here who reads this will be able to relate to it, at least If you’ve been on the Internet more than 15 years or so. I think Facebook has destroyed not only the online “communities” which revolved around message boards, but in many cases it’s helping do away with the need for Web sites altogether. Why even have one when you’ve got a FB page?

I found the following paragraph particularly poignant when thinking about my own kid

I’ve been pondering what it might have been like to grow up on the internet if I were a teenager in 2020 and hadn’t found my village. I might have been sucked even deeper into the unmoderated chaos of social platforms, where there’s an unspoken expectation to act performatively instead of as our authentic selves.

I mean, I realize that this probably isn’t (nor should it be) even in the top 10 list of things that I got to experience that my kid never will because the world is so different now, but it doesn’t make it any less sad to me.


This person knows about reddit, right?

Shit, reddit is basically every internet forum under a single website.

I don’t think we had a phone until I was about 10. Once mom sent me to call my aunt on a payphone at the Circle K but I didn’t know the difference between a busy signal and a ring so I kept hanging up. I failed. Sorry, mom.


Investigative news story about deepfakes hosted by a deepfake of Trump by the South Park guys.