**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread


Well that’s less fun.


I don’t know what it is with “rick & morty”, and my youngest daughter is a bit anti because some of the “fandom” is icky or something, but fuck that. It’s a brilliant show.


Rick and morty is amazing. The fans suck. There’s a certain segment of the fanbase that thinks it’s really high-level humor or something that you need to be smart to get. It’s really not. These kind of pseudo-intellectual shitwads ruin a lot of things in a lot of genres.



Possibly another perspective on Navalny but the site and cached site are down.

Yeah, I agree. It’s just comedian banter. Other comedians would have done it a bit more playfully perhaps, but I don’t think he makes it all the way to asshole.

Goddamnit, I left my vape pen at the liquor store.

it’s certainly possible that King is doing a bit there but it’s also completely possible that he has no fucking idea what’s going on, even back then he was pretty fucking clueless a lot of the time


Now this is fucking cool. Show this to a flat Earther and they might explode.



Seinfeld wasn’t being touchy over his reputation, he was breaking Larry’s balls over asking a dumb question that everyone knew the answer to.


I sense a bit of both.

Sure, I guess, but Jerry was also going into a bit there. It was obviously all in good fun.

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It was cringy to me, I couldn’t get through the whole thing.

every party in russia is nationalist. it’s like impossible to appeal to anyone without the great motherland narrative. going to read now about the alleged racism. while he has defended the right to assembly of some nationalist/racist groups, he is not an avowed follower to any of them. in general his policies are left of center by western standards (generous social policy), but he’s pretty solidly center in russia on those issues. he’s somewhat right-wing on religion and issues dealing with former soviet states which definitely have racial undertones. but once again, compared to russians in general, navalny isn’t as racist as say the GOP.

Let’s give him a medal.


no, let’s give him a chance to run in russia


The second take finally loaded. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:6Y1DUn1fOtQJ:https://www.criticatac.ro/lefteast/navalnys-return-and-left-strategy/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

I think maybe? this sums up the non-RT-sponsored lefty opinion:

But the more convincingly Navalny works with the theme of corruption and the ostentatious consumption of top officials, the more the limits of this rhetoric are exposed in a country like Russia, exhausted by inequality and permeated by class contradictions. Now the situation looks like this: Navalny is showing us the palaces of the rulers, playing with the fire of class resentment, while at the same time (together with his comrades-in-arms) promising businesses complete freedom in the Beautiful Russia of the Future. They say that the problem is not the palaces and gigantic fortunes per se, but where they come from. But of course, with the further development of this populist line, it will no longer be easy to separate the corrupt “friends of Putin” from those whom Navalny calls “honest businessmen,” but whose fortunes are just as huge, and similarly generated by illegal schemes from the 1990s and 2000s and, of course, by over-exploitation of workers. All of this opens up great opportunities for leftist politics, which, with an equally skillful combination of valor and rationality, could produce a far more powerful wave of discontent and a far more coherent program of change than Navalny’s eclectic populism.

I can’t ever tell what’s propaganda and what’s earnest opinon with Russia. I only trust Kasparov.

Same with Israel/Palestine except I don’t know who to listen to there.


i trust kasparov as well, but even he’s prone to errors like claiming covid was engineered in wuhan.

It’s not typical to be outside at these temperatures.

Cool video with Navalny showing drone view of Putin’s palace. Also a whole takedown of Putin. You have to put on CC.

This dude has some fucking balls.


Can’t possibly see why not. Dry and sunny for the next week.