**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

guessing game:

How old was Jason Alexander when the first episode of Seinfeld aired?




A bit older than Julia Loiuse-Dreyfuss.


He looked pretty young. Are you just thinking he looked old because he was going bald?

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Balding, slightly overweight, neurotic guy makes me think of someone older than 29.

my first thought was 30s, probably something like 32

I’m not referring to a 20 year old review bro!

There was a school of thought that people would rather do work they cared about than work they didn’t care about and that was boring. While there are a lot of people who fit that mold there are countless necessary jobs that are never going to be exciting but will always have people who will do them. This kind of thinking results in those “why are you passionate about cost accounting” or “why do you want to work for CompCorp?” Most people are going to spend most of their life at work, if you don’t figure this out early and find a way to something you enjoy most of the time I hope you have some good hobbies…

This is obviously true. My point, though, (and I should have been more clear) is that the advice as it is frequently uttered, is pretty trite. Not everyone can drop everything to go “Eat Dink Love” across Europe or become a ski instructor or whatnot.

When I was a scout, my troop made a pretty big effort to recruit kids who knew little of scouting to join and come on our long backpacking trips in the Sierras. Many of the kids would get into nature and be blown away by the beauty and the fact that it was only a few hours from Berkeley/Oakland.

A well-functioning society would give all young people a chance to learn about the things they can find passion in before they get sucked into financial insecurity and a job that offers them very little time off and that they are scared to lose.

But anyway, as far as the advice goes for working life. I always told myself when I was younger to keep my eyes open for other jobs and look to make a jump if I could find something that a) paid better, b) made me happier, and/or c) was better for the world. Not necessarily in that order. I suppose that (b) is like “follow your passion,” although I had no idea what that was. But being always on the lookout for it helped me to at least narrow things down a bit.


I would also add that interviewing is a skill and practicing it regularly is a good idea. That way when a good opportunity comes along you’re already practiced at answering common interview questions, telling your story, etc. and have the chance to correct mistakes from prior interviews.


is this a sincere answer, what people doing it actually believe, or some sort of ironic quip?

It’s the reason people do it and it’s a fact.

Yeah. Dogs enjoy going off leash. Mine sure does. I don’t do it in town, but she loves camping.


how much “higher-quality” is it if their dumb 50 lb dog charges my 80 lb dog and gets his ass chewed up?

I certainly believe dogs “like it more” but I don’t know wtf “higher quality walk” means and it’s definitely a lot fucking lower quality for me and my dog

In another episode of microbet is old, when I was a kid, dogs roaming the neighborhood was totally normal.

But anyway, in town, keep them on leash for the reason pvn gives. I can’t stop an unleashed dog from running up on my dog and there are a lot of little dogs with Napoleon complexes.

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You’re conflating a whole bunch of things.

Off leash walks are > on leash for the individual dog (all else being equal) because they get more exercise and more mental stimulation

Off leash walks restricted to designated off leash areas are far and away preferred for society because walking your dog off leash in an on leash area creates conflict

Your dog sounds like it needs to have a controlled on leash environment, and people should respect that.

What exactly are you confused about?

He’s venting because there are lots of asshole dog owners out there who won’t keep their dogs on a leash.