**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Same. Was raised mainstream catholic and saw them almost every holiday season.

Quaker(ish) upbringing here and we always had chocolate coins in our stockings - first time Iā€™ve heard a jewish connection. Chocolate coins, sunmaid rasins, a 50p and a satsuma were almost assured to be in there somewhere.

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Random thoughts at Costco: Why are raisins more expensive than dried cranberries?


Nanodaughter says ā€œreal or onion?ā€.


Wonder if Jesus could get in the door with his completion, accent and culture.

Hum, i just found out someone i grew up with was kind of an asshole high ranking member of trumps injustice departmentā€¦guess i should of pumped that BB gun more than the allowed pumps in our BB gun warsā€¦if i remember right his brother not him had a BB stuck in his leg for a few years. Should of been the other way. And no i did not put it into his brother i had a crappy crosman which was competently unfair since a daisy on the one pump rule was like a crosman on three.

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Why would anyone NARC on this baby elephant.


iOS autocorrect and predictive text are so terrible. Anyone know why? Iā€™ve turned off predictive text but the autocorrect isnā€™t much better. Anyone have hacks/solutions. I do 100% of my internet time on my iPad and Iā€™d guess 95% of the sentences I type require me to correct something iOS has ā€œcorrectedā€. Grrr.

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It is programmed to get progressively worse if you have an update to download

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if you have a shooter in your house, the owner of the meeting can usually put you on mute, but it is proper zoom etiquette to turn off your camera. Remember only you can prevent gruesome imagery!

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Didnā€™t think he was really gonna do it:



Previously unbeknownst to me, there has been a war going on between the raisin and craisin people. Dried cranberries with added sugar taste pretty damn good so Iā€™m currently on team cranberry although I know itā€™s likely if I look into it further Iā€™ll find theyā€™re the real assholes here, and have probably been dumping product in the market, thus explaining the otherwise unfathomable lower cost of this delicious dried fruit.

Basically a Festivus style holiday for Jews

Guess thereā€™s a steel menorah with no candles

While the KFC log is in the fireplaceā€¦

I see your KFC thingie and I raise you:



At first glance the crushed cookies looked like raisins, which may actually be a less disgusting option.